Chapter 9: The local wallflower

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I found myself walking with my head low through the hallways that day. I don’t exactly know why I had to be dragged into this kind of mess. 
“I must say there are a lot of bitches in this school,” I heard Dimminie say, stealing glimpses to the girls who were doing their makeup and hanging by the lockers or talking about the people who were out of their league. 

“Stop that, you’ll look like a creep,” I responded, holding his hand to prevent him from doing something.

“They won’t even waste their time on a lovely person like me,” I heaved a sigh and subconsciously rolled my eyes at the sight. 

“You think they won’t waste time on me? Watch this and learn,” I told him as we strutted along the hallways behind Seokjin-hyung and the others. And just as I’ve told him, those girls who’re gossiping about whoever that was in their radar. Those bitches, just as I’ve thought, turned their attention to me, instantly lovestruck by my mere stare that makes them melt to their knees.

“Hey Jiminie~~” the other called to me whom I identified as Adora Del Fuego, and kissed my cheek as an embrace.
“Hi, Adora sweetie~ lookin’ fabulous as usual. I see that you have a new Tommy Hilfiger wardrobe to wear throughout the summer. You look nice,” I replied as I kissed her cheek as well.

“Oh, you never fail to flatter me, Jiminie. By the way, are you going to attend the summer party this year?” she asked, her cleavage bouncing as she spoke. 

“Oh, yes. I guarantee you that I’ll be attending the social gathering of this year,” 

“It’s impossible for you not to come, Jimin. We’ll be waiting for ya, and let’s have some fun,” the other chimed in, whom I knew for sure, was Samantha Kidman, one of the few promising models in the modelling department. 

“To be honest with you, I don’t like ‘em,” Dimminie commented, by the time we were left walking on the hallways.
“Nobody really wanted to be around the radar of those three, Dimminie. Not even Seokjin-hyung.” I added with a sigh and put my hands behind my head as I entered the classroom for my lectures.

I haven’t even sat on my usual seat near the window when I heard a familiar tone.
“Aigoo, fate is doing its job well and even here we see each other,” he laughed heartily, making me choke on my iced coffee that I bought on the way here. 
I slowly looked up from my notes to see… Jongin once again. Oh God, why do I have to keep on bumping on him wherever I go? 

“I’m sorry,” he commented and pushed back his hair. For a second I felt my heart thump against my chest at that sight. What the hell? I was supposed to see him as a mere normal alpha male. Calm yourself, Jimin. 

“Why? What for?” I replied calmly like the usual, averting my stare to the window as I took a sip of my drink.

“I’ve heard that you’d just return from Korea, and I’m sorry I forgot to get you a return gift,” I was taken aback by his words. Well now, what is this? Offering something to bring back the old times? That is new.

“Oh no, it’s okay, really! I appreciate the thought but you don’t have to-” I stopped mid sentence when something tickles my nose, particularly an unfamiliar scent. I scrunched up my nose to properly identify that unknown scent. Ah, how have you not noticed, Jimin? It’s his, Jongin’s scent has changed.

“You seemed cheery today, are you finally seeing someone new after a long while?”  I asked, hoping I’d get an immediate answer and finally end this moment.

“Yeah he is. Sorry to break it to ya, Jimin. I really hated breaking the silence between you two, but yeah,” Sehun declared as he appeared behind Jongin.

Sehnsucht: Your past, My present,  Our future (Originally posted on Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now