Chapter 8.5(Side Story): Forgotten Happiness

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A/N: This side story chapter is for chapters 7 & 8 in case you get confused. Enjoy reading! :>>

“Gods, I trust that you will take good care of him," I whispered and offered my prayers to the shrine.

“Please keep daddy safe,” I heard Ji-ah say and offered her prayers to the gods as well.
“Mother, I had already offered my prayers to the gods,” she muttered meekly with her head low as well as Jihyun.

I stood from my kneeling position and embraced them both tightly. “Dear, look at how our children have grown, and how I wished that time could stand still for them and us both, and I hope you know we miss you,” I muttered as I averted my glance at the window in my room.

“My darlings, you’re free to go. I am grateful that you are able to join me in offering our prayers to the gods today,” I said and kissed each of their foreheads to send them off.

“We’d put you first than anything, mother.” Jihyun declared, as he kissed my hand softly.

“That is very much appreciated, my sweet darlings. Now, off you go and don’t worry about mommy. I’ll be starting on my work again.” I responded as I watched them disappear through the door.
I then closed the door of the shrine made for my husband and went directly to my office to finish my work when a knock came to my door.

“I have brought you your midday tea, milady,” the voice of  my personal attendant, Yoon Minsuh called out from the other side of the door.

“Please do come in, Minsuh,” the door clicked open, revealing Minsuh with a tray of my fine china tea set in her hands.
I checked the contents of the tea set just to make sure she would not fail me, like my other attendants did.

“I already cleaned the attic just as you’ve told me,” she said politely and bowed to me. This girl… this commoner in front of me, she could be of use to me more. She’s different from my other servants, she had the initiative, or perhaps she is only acting out because she thinks that I could just raise her salary up to more than what she originally needed?

Ah, commoners. They are so willing to do anything for money, oh well, I am indeed very grateful that I did not end up like them, or else I would’ve been disowned by my family already.

“What more do you need? Off you go,” I responded and coldly watched as Minsuh excused herself and exited my room. After I finished my share of midday afternoon, I headed to my personal room in a portion of my office and entered the password.

My heart is deeply suffering at the thought of  my beloved sweet darling Jimin going back to America, and it feels like I would not see him for another ten years.  I opened the monitors and cameras implanted for that sole purpose.
The monitor displayed a radar  that has been there for quite a while now. “He had arrived in America already, milady,” the voice from the earpiece attached to my ear declared.

“Affirmative. That is excellent, Kyung-Soon. Your desired amount of Korean Won is already being transferred to your bank account.” I answered as I watched the map and radar change its status.

“Ya, Kyung-Soon. Report current status.” I declared as I took a sip of my Vintage Narcissus tea.

“Look at you, feeling so sorry for being separated at your sweet boy. What a worthless decision!” There’s that ungrateful bitch again. What does she want this time?

“ I had no regrets of sending him there. I did that for his own welfare and for the sake of his bright future. Get your nose out of this matter.” I replied as I glared at He-Jin, the useless wench that has her own habitat… on the mirrors that I look at.

Sehnsucht: Your past, My present,  Our future (Originally posted on Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now