Chapter 1: Lisa

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YG headquarters is known for having the best agents that you'll meet. They have agents that's good on hand on hand combat, guns, knives and any weapons, you name it all. They have the best hackers and decoders but they're not easy to recruit because they only accept missions that's really challenging and hard. They're also making sure that the mission they're going to get is clean and not illegal.

Missions that can't be solve by FBIs, spies and any agent agencies is going to be hold by YG agents and all you need to do is to chill, relax and wait for the good news because YG agents is the best, they will not go back to you if they're not yet done. If they are your agents, expect for the best results because they really. Is. The. Best.

Reasons behind it?

They're adopting orphans and training them until they reach the right age to go for missions. They have permit and the President knows about that, there's no complains so far because they're taking good care of their agents and the owner—also known as YG—is treating his agents as his own children. Adopting them, educating them, feeding and giving all they need and want. They're all living in one island that have a lot of mansions, buildings and open fields. Trainess, rookies and seniors have different mansions—yes, they're living in a mansion. Every mansion have rooms for each group because agents have their own groups to do their missions.

Rookies and trainees is on the other side of the island and living in a dorm just like a normal college student. Training, studying, eating and sleeping. That's a normal routine for them while all of the seniors or agents that have a high rank is on the other side of the island. It actually looks like subdivision that have a lot of luxury houses where the groups is living and outside is the open field and training area.

YG is known for his love to his agents, he's so caring and generous but little did they know... There's some particular blonde kid who have a doll like face with pretty eyes, big doe eyes and bangs that he treats so opposite to the other agents and trainees.

"Shut up and follow my orders!" YG shouted in anger to the trembling little kid in front of him.


"I SAID SHUT UP!!" YG shouted again and this time, the kid started to cry.

"Don't open that mouth and just follow everything that I'm going to say! You're such a little bitch that's so useless!" The kid was about to say something when YG slap her hard that made her to fall on the ground and just cry even more. YG grab her hair and get the stick at his table.

"You're so loud!" YG said then hit the kid using the stick that made her to hiss in pain and cry harder.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" YG shouted with every hit.

"If I heard anything from you again, I'm going to cut your tongue out! Understood?!" YG yelled and the girl nod while trying not to make any sound. Her back is aching because of the whips she received. YG pulled her hair again then slap her so hard that she hit her head at the end of the table.

"Leave and train! Study or anything! Just be useful and don't be a lazy little bitch! You're just nothing!" YG shouted then throw the stick to the girl who run outside the office while crying. She's wiping her tears and looking down that she didn't notice someone in front of her. They both fall on the ground and the girl got panic and help her to stand up.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't saw you" the girl said while checking on the kid with bangs. She thought she's crying because they bump each other.

"Hey stop crying. Are you hurt? I'm really sorry" the girl said but the blonde kid just continue crying at the floor.

"YG..." The blonde kid said through her sobs.

"H-He punished me a-again" the blonde said while still crying.

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