Chapter 3

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Chemistry class was pretty good if you don’t count the teacher picking me to answer almost every question, all the girls giving me glares, and all eyes on me. Yeah chemistry was pretty rough let’s just hope that it won’t be the same for socials. Walking into the socials classroom, thankfully before class started and got my seat. About five minutes later the bell rang and all the students started to pile into the class.

      Socials went pretty well, I still had people looking at me, and the teacher asking me questions but it wasn’t as bad as chemistry. Walking out of the socials room I ran into someone. Looking up I see the hottest guy that I have even seen even out of the many rich men that my mom and dad had made me see.

“Sorry,” I mutter sidestepping him and getting ready to walk away.

“You know just because your parents are all rich and famous does not mean that anyone should treat you like you are above them. Some people may think you are special and are above them but I will never think that.” The guy said all in one breath and then walked away not even giving me time to process all the stuff that he had just said to me. Walking to my locker I put my books away and then head to the cafeteria. I started to think is that really how I want my life to be? To be run by my parents that don’t even care about me, don’t have the time of day to be around me or spend time with me? To let my dreams of fighting go down the drain because my parents want me to maintain their perfect family image as someone that really isn’t me?

            Walking into the cafeteria I went into the lunch line and waited behind a group of cheerleaders that were talking about the football boys that were going to be practicing next to them after school. In front of me was some emo looking guy standing awkwardly. When it came to my turn to get my lunch I grabbed spaghetti and an orange juice and then went and sat in an empty table in the corner of the room. Looking around the lunch room and seeing all the tables full of chatter and people laughing I started to think that that would be my life if I had not followed exactly what my mom and dad wanted me to follow. I would have friends and would not be sitting alone at a table in the corner. Eventually the bell rang for us to all go to our next classes and lucky for me it was gym. I love gym but not that I was ever allowed to tell anyone that.

Walking into the gym to ask the teacher for my gym clothes I spot the guy that I ran into and got my thinking like this. Receiving my gym clothes from the muscular teacher I quickly head to the changing room to get changed.

      Wow, where these gym clothes ever tight. The top hugged my upper body showing my curves and the shorts where so short that I had to keep on pulling them down because they would ride up. Cheerleaders wear these clothes almost all the time! Walking into the gym I saw that the gym teacher was having the students run laps. Walking up to him I ask how many laps I have to run and start running.

              To say these words in the nicest way possible would be half of the students that were running four laps were really slow and I mean turtle slow. I started later than all of them and ended around ten minutes before them, yeah it was that bad!

            Gym went pretty well. After the laps we played a basketball game and then class ended. After gym I had English and it went way faster than any other class.  The classes felt like a blur because the next thing I knew was that I was on my way home.

      Silence, is all I hear as I walk into the house. No parents talking, no dishwasher going or laundry running, no sound. Walking up to my blue and green room I started to think again about why I am being someone I’m not. Walking into my closet all I find is dresses, dresses and more dresses of all kinds from short fancy dresses and sundresses to elegant long flowing dresses. From the color orange to green to purple, any color imaginable. Yet any girl in my place would be delighted to own all these or even wear one of them, but not me I hate dresses. I look through my drawers no pants or anything that I want to wear just dresses, the drawers where empty. Throwing on my pink summer dress I jump into my car and drive back into town to become the person that I want to be. 

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