Chapter 11

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I decided that I would sit at the table that I normally sit at for lunch. The table had its normal buzz and chatter going around. The only tension was between Jayce and I, which was pretty normal.

“Hey, Chantelle?” Zack said.

“Yes” I replied.

“I heard that you joined Chad’s fighting team!”

“How do you know about us?”

“I don’t live under a rock!”

“Obviously not you go to school and you love gossip.”

“Jayce told us that he saw you talking with Chad and Jason,”

“Yeah I did join, why do you care?”
“It’s dangerous”

“Don’t you think I would know what I was walking into when I agreed to fight with his team? I’m not five!”
“I’m not saying that you are. I’m just looking out for you!”
“I don’t need you to look out for me or even care for that matter! I haven’t had anyone care about me since my parents gave birth to me. Everyone thinks that my parents love me but they don’t, they only sticked around until I was six, after that they left for business trips’ leaving me with nanny’s that abused and starved me. No one thought about that all they thought about was my appearance, what it must be to be rich and have everything I want. I never had what I wanted!” By the time I was finished my rant I had tears running down my face and the whole table was looking at me. Getting up I grab my trash and walk out.

      “Excuse me” I said as I bumped into people walked down the crowded hall after school. Getting to my locker is such a hassle when classes are let out for the day. Finally reaching my locker I dump all my books into it not even worrying about my homework and grabbing my bag and walking outside to my car. When I reached my car I was surprised to see Jayce sitting on the hood waiting for me.

“What took you so long?” He asked.

“Well I don’t recall you saying ‘rush to your car after school because I will be waiting for you.’” I say in a low manly voice.

“Ok first off I do not sound like that and second I admit that I didn’t tell you to rush over here but that’s only because you rushed out of the cafeteria faster than Usain Bolt.”

“I had to go!”

“Was the almighty Chantelle crying?” He said mockingly.

“As a matter of fact I was. I had just finished pouring out not even a quarter of my problems with you and the boys and I have never told anyone that stuff before.”

“It really was true when you said that your nanny’s use to starve and abuse you?”

“Yeah, anyways I should probably be getting home. My brothers got here two days ago from collage and they might be worried.” I knew that they would not be home because they always go out to clubs or to friend’s houses. They don’t really care about what I do. Sometimes they will have we will have the occasionally conversation on what I am doing.

“You think that I could come over? I need some help with the science homework and the boys are going to a game.” He asked.

“Is this your attempt of getting close to me?”

“Not at all! I just need some help with science.”

“In that case then sure, do you need a ride there or?”
“I’ve never ridden in a Lamborghini, so I think that I will take you up on your offer.”

“I would let you drive but you don’t know where I live.”

“Next time I will make sure that I know where you live so that I can take you up on that offer too!”
“Who says there will be a next time?”

“Babe there will be tons of next times!” Laughing at his last statement I unlock the car and get in. 

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