Chapter 9

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Go. That is how it all started by what I thought was such a simple word to more than just a word, to a word that will determine if I walk out of here with a dented ego, as a loser or if I walk out of here with my dignity, my first victory and some cash. Go is what got me in a circle with a girl who looks like a guy because of her abnormal buffness, bald head and it’s not because of cancer but because she chose it, and tattoos all over her body. If it were not for the small bump on her chest then I would have said good luck sir when we shook hands. I am snapped out of my thoughts by the feeling of a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, realizing that she punched me and was getting ready to punch me again I put up my arms and deflect her punch. Pushing my fist out as hard as I can I come into contact with her cheek while she was recovering I punch her in the gut knocking her onto the ground then I get on top of her. I punch her this time with all the power that is in me and knock her out. The crowd goes wild and the announcer says that I am the winner.

“Chantelle you did it!” Jason says running over and giving me a big hug.

“I told you that you could do it” Chad said.

“Thanks guys,” I say. Looking back over to where she is on the ground. I could see the moon shining off of her head. It was so bright that you could blind you if you were at the right angle.

        Hearing the sound of a gun going off and the screeching of tires I turn around to see a black Jaguar XF with flames on the side and a red Ferrari F80 take off down the path made by the people who were watching. As they got farther down the road I watch as the Ferrari pulled in front of the Jaguar by about a meter. As they get to only half a kilometer away from the finish line the Jaguar speeds up, by what I guess is by using nitro and passes the Ferrari. Knowing that the Jaguar is going to win I turn around and see that Chad and Jason have left me, left me here in an unknown place with strangers all around me. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I turn around thinking that it was Jordan but instead I see Jayce.

“Are you stalking me?” I ask.

“I think I have the right to ask you that question. I’ve been coming here since grade 9.” Jayce replied. “What are you doing here anyways?”

“I had a match. Why are here?”

“I race!”

“Do you happen to drive a Ferrari F80 or a Jaguar XF?” Since Jayce said that he races cars here, I am wondering if one of those drivers was him.

“Yeah I drive the Jaguar, did you see my race just now?”

“Yeah, you’re good!”

“Thanks,” He replies. “So did you win your match?”


“Congrats on your first win then”

“Thanks, how did you know I had a match?” I said while shuffling from one foot to the other.

“I don’t think that you are here because you wanted to see me win my race so I guessed that you came here for the fighting. Anyways I was wondering if maybe we could meet up once in a while after my races and your matches to eat or something?” Jayce said.

“Your presumptions are right, and yeah here’s my number.” Taking out my phone I give him my number and then put his number in my contacts.

“Hey Chantelle, Chad needs us!” Jason says walking up to me.

“Okay, Jayce this is Jason, Jason, Jayce.” I say introducing them for the first time.

“Nice to meet you,” Jayce says.

“Yeah same here, anyways Chantelle we really have to go.” Jason was acting cold towards Jayce.

“Oh yeah lets go, bye Jayce see you later!” I say before walking away with Jason.

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