Chapter 16

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I have been huddled in the middle on the board for more than three hours with Jayce, Chase and Zack. We have the blankets wrapped around the people on the outside (which consisted of all the boys with me in the middle because they said something about wanting to make sure that I was warm) so that we could keep the water from spraying up on us and making us even colder.

“Chantelle are you warm?” Jayce asked.

“Yeah I’m fine, are you guys warm?”

“Yeah” They all said in unison. The weather was starting to clear so it was not so cold, the clouds were still blocking the sun but it stopped raining. Moving further apart from one another the boys grab the blankets that they were holding up and wrap it around them. Since we only brought three because that was all we had time to grab I was left to either share or be cold and by the looks of it I was going to be cold because the boys did not look like they were going to share anytime soon.

           Feeling heat engulf me I look behind me to see Jayce sitting there with his blanket around both of us. “You looked kind of cold.” He whispered in my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he breathed.

“Thanks” I muttered back. We all sat in silence until Zack and Chase started to talk. I leaned back until I was resting on Jayce’s chest. “You comfortable?” He asked.

“Yeah are you?” I asked him.

“With you in my arms I am” Closing my eyes I fall into a deep sleep.

               Waking up to the rocking of the board going side to side I realizing that I had my head on Jayce’s chest the whole time I slept. Removing my head I start to blush. It was now completely dark out and the water had calmed down, it was more peaceful.

“You hungry?” Chase asked me handing me a packet of powdered fettuccini while pointing his flashlight at his hand.

“Yeah, thanks” I say back. I move forward more to put distance between Jayce and I but am pulled back into his chest with this time his arms wrapped around my waist.

“Don’t move I’m warm” He said while resting his chin on the crook of my neck.

“Hey Jordan Chase why did you come to my house before the flood?” I asked curious as to how they ended up at my door step.

“We were on our way back from a party when we heard the warning about the hurricane that was heading our way and we didn’t think that we had enough time to get back to either of our houses so we stopped by your house since we were so close.”  Zack said.

“Oh okay.”

“Well I’m going to hit the hay so I’m not on watch duty.” Chase said.

“Same here” Zack said quickly.

“I’ll be on watch duty since I already got some sleep.” I said to all of them. I figured that they would probably be tired and I was not that tired since I got to sleep for what felt like maybe half an hour. Turning around so that I faced Jayce I told him that he could lay on my legs in which he gladly took the offer. I would say that it was one of those beautiful nights with lots of stars in the sky like in those click movies but I would be lying. You can’t see the moon or stars at all because of the clouds. It was pitch black out so I couldn’t even see what was floating around us, for all I know there could be a huge shark getting ready to eat us.

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