Chapter 17

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    I guess I fell asleep during my watch duty because I was awaken by the bright sun and unless the sun is up at around 2:00 in the morning then I didn’t fall asleep. With my eyes still closed I tried lifting my upper body so that I stand get up but I felt a heavy weight on my legs. I started to think the worst.

Maybe a dolphin jumped onto the board and landed on my legs? No my legs would feel wet.

Ooh a shark tried to eat us and it bit off my legs but couldn’t reach the rest of me? No I would be dead from blood loss.

Finally giving up I open my eyes to see not only Jayce lying on my legs but Zack and Chase nearer to my ankles. Did they really have to use me as a pillow?

“Hmm where are we?” I heard Jayce mumble as he pulled himself into a sitting position.

“I’m not sure all I know is that we are stranded on a board that could easily break.” I say back looking around only to find debris and water. Reaching as far as my arms could go I try and get the backpack that I packed so that I could get some breakfast. I feel a hand on my arm pulling my hand back to my body sending electricity up my arm and through my body.

“Here let me get that!” Jayce says scooting closer to the bag which caused his hip to be squished next to mine.

                  Handing it to me I Say a quick thank you and then open it to get a water bottle and some food from the emergency kit. I could feel electricity running through my body from where Jayce’s leg was still firmly against mine and our arms where touching.

“So how long do you think we will be stranded on this board until search and rescue finds us?” Jayce asked.

“I hope it’s not soon I like being with you.” I say before I even register it. He looks at me surprised. “Sorry I meant to say I don’t know it may take a two days or even a week. All I know is that the town is going to have a lot of fixing to be done.”
“Yeah I hope it does not take too long to fix the town so that I can win more races.” He replies cockily
“You’re not the only one that misses fighting or as in your case racing!” I say. Before he even has a chance to reply Zack wakes up and moves so that he is sitting between Jayce and I.

“Good morning beautiful.” Zack says rubbing his thumb on my cheek.

“Good morning hideous.” I reply back moving my head so that he is not touching me anymore.

“Awe, I was thinking more under the line ‘Good morning handsome’ but that will do.” Rolling my eyes I look over to Jayce and see him glowering at Zack.

“You guys having a board party without me, that’s so unfair!” a sleepy Chase says while sitting up. “By the way your legs are very comfy.” He adds in.

           It has officially been two days since we first got stranded on this board and we are starting have less and less food each day. I have been eating only twice a day with a bottle of water instead of three meals and two waters.

    We have all been getting closer over this time period especially Jayce and I. We are not dating we are just closer than friends, more friendly you could say. The other two on the other hand are acting like five year olds right now. Deciding that I have had enough of staying on this board and being hot I take my shirt off and pants leaving me in my under garments.

“What are you doing?” Jayce asks.

“I’m tired of being all hot and sweaty and not being able to do anything about it so I am going for a swim.” I simply say.

“What happens if you drown?” Zack asks.

“Then so be it I drown, at least I tried to do something about my problem instead of being helpless and waiting until we are rescued.”
“Do you not see what’s in the water?” Chase asks.

“Yeah I do I will be swimming close to our little homemade boat so I don’t need to worry.” Without any further ado I jump into the water. I am instantly cooled down and feel way cleaner.

       It turned out that my little swim had turned into our little swim. The boys decided that I was right and jumped in the water too. After maybe twenty minutes of swimming and goofing around I pull myself back onto the board. Once I get up I grab a blanket and wrap it around myself. Lying down with the blanket still around me I warm myself back up.

“You don’t seem like you’re in a comfortable position!” Jayce says pulling himself up onto the board and then lifting me up into the air and then sitting back down with me on his lap.

“Really Jayce?” I say while snuggling closer to him for his body heat. As much as I hate to admit it I didn’t want to move I wanted to stay there forever.

Sitting on Jayces lap and watching Chase and Zack arguing makes me realized that it does not matter that my brothers are never around and my parents don’t like me or even that I am stuck on a board after a hurricane but what really matters is that I am here with Jayce, Zack, and Chase my real family. Even though we may die on this raft at least I am with them, with my family!

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