Chapter 15

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      I was passing school with flying colors, the relationship between Jayce and I has been great and I have won all of my matches and each one I won Jayce was there to congratulate me. The only thing that I would want to change is my feelings for Jayce. They seem to be getting stronger and stronger. I feel like I am falling for him.

      I had a match today and you can already guess that I won it. Jayce came over to my house. Right now we are the only ones here and in my bedroom watching TV. “When is your brothers supposed to be coming home at?” Jayce asked.

“I’m not sure but you can leave I don’t mind being home alone.” I say.
“I can’t do that, what happens if something happens to you?”
“I’m a big girl I can take care of myself.” Grabbing his phone we hear the sound of thunder and rain pounding the roof of my house. “You better leave before it gets any worse.”

“No it says that there are hurricane warnings and I am not about to leave you here all by yourself with the chance of a hurricane.”
Getting more comfortable I lay down setting my head on Jayce’s legs. Feeling his hand going through my hair was one of the best feelings I have ever felt before and with that I drifted off to sleep.

“Chantelle!Chantelle!” I was pulled out of my peaceful sleep by someones panicked voice.

“hm” I mutter still half asleep.

“You need to get up the hurricane is heading our way. We needed to get up to higher grounds and get some extra things in case it hits us.” As soon as I heard the word ‘hurricane’ and ‘heading our way’ I was fully awake and looking at Jayce the owner of the voice that pulled me out of my sleep.

“I’ll run downstairs and get the emergency pack and some extra stuff downstairs. You get the blankets and stuff we need upstairs. How close is it?”
“The radio said that it was about five minutes away.” I just noticed that the radio was on and that the robotic voice was telling everyone to get to higher ground because the hurricane heading our way. Running downstairs I grab the four emergency packs that we have and get some of the extra plastic water bottles and put them in my backpack.

      Just as I was about to run upstairs and give the stuff to Jayce the doorbell rang. Running over to answer it I found Chase and Zack standing there looking scared and cold. Ushering them in I tell them to run upstairs and find Jayce. Running back over to where we keep all the emergency things and the water bottles and put them all into the backpack.

                All four of us are standing on my roof as water runs through my house destroying and washing away everything. We didn’t have the blankets around us because we didn’t want them to get wet from the water that was spraying up and hitting us.

               The water has now flooded my whole house and has almost reached the point where my shoes are going to be soaked. “Boys get onto that board it looks big enough to hold us all and it will float.” I said.

“Why can’t we just stay on the roof?” Zack asked.

“If you want to drown than be my guest and stay on the roof but I will be on that board floating and not drowning.” Grabbing the board I get onto it making my way to the very middle. Looking behind me I see Jayce getting on too and Chase holding it still so that Zack could get on. Once we were all in the middle we huddled to keep warm. Watching the water flood my house until we couldn’t see it anymore. We all just sit there watching as the water absolutely demolishes everything that was in its path.

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