Chapter 4

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Getting into town I drive to the mall and go through every store there. I get short shorts, jeans, sweats, shirts, leather jackets, tights, heals, heal boots, converse, tank tops, running shoes, and sandals. I just go from store to store buying what I want and certainly not what my parents want me to buy but what I want to buy. After I get all the clothes I want I go to cycle works and buy myself a bright green ninja Kawasaki motorbike so that I have something that I can ride instead of always driving my Lamborghini. Heading back home I pick out what I want to wear for school tomorrow and go to bed.

     I wake up before my alarm clock even goes off because I am excited to see what people think of the new me or more like the person I want to be. I can go to the gym now and work on my fighting skills, actually try in gym and still keep my grades up so that my parents will not think that there is anything suspicious going on.

             Hopping into the shower and washing my hair with my favorite strawberry coconut shampoo I get out and I look into the mirror and see the more confident me. My green eyes are now bright and shining, my straight dark brown hair that falls down to my waist looks shiny in the bathroom lighting and my olive skin looks like it is glowing. I feel like I’m a whole new person. I put on some makeup, which includes some mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow, brush my hair and put on my black skinny jeans, white tub top, leather jacket and black high top high heel boots. I eat a waffle and head out to my all new bright shining and might I add very clean green ninja Kawasaki motorcycle, my new baby and jump on. Starting the motorbike I feel the thrum of it coming to life and the sound of the gas coming out of the exhaust pipe. Driving down the streets I feel so alive with the wind blowing through my hair and not being restrained in my car, but free to move with the bike, move as it moves as if we are one.

       Arriving at school though was a whole different feeling. As I drove into the parking lot all eyes were on me. Everyone was shocked to say the least to see me like this. After people got out of their shocked states they started talking to their friends but I really did not care, they could talk about me all they want but it will not bother me because I am used to it. Walking to my locker was even worse everyone in the hall was staring at me. I got wolf whistles from the guys and glares from the girls. What? Just because I am prettier than you even if you have gotten plastic surgery and dyed your hair does not mean that you have to be jealous of me for all my natural beauty. Getting to my locker I see a guy getting his books from his locker, which is next to, mine.

“Hey, I’m Zack!” He said when he noticed me at my locker.

“Chantelle!” When my name clicks in his brain he turns back around ignoring me and continues doing what he was doing before I came. “I just wanted to talk but if you’re going to act like that then I guess I should just head to class!” I say while taking the stuff I need for my next two classes I walk off on my way to class.

     It is now lunchtime and I am sitting all alone again watching everyone with his or her friends. Thinking about what it would be like to have this table full of friends at lunch, being able to walk around with someone instead of all by myself and being able to talk and hangout with someone before school. The sound of a chair scrapping the floor snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking up I see Zack sitting down in the chair in front of me. “What are you doing?”

“It looked like you were lonely so I decided that I wanted to give you some company and introduce you to some of my friends.” Right on cue a group of about four boys walked over to the table and set their lunches down. They looked like they were all on the football team because of how muscular they were.

“This is Conner, Rylan, Chase, Carlson, and Jared. Boys meet Chantelle.” We exchanged hellos and then they started to talk about football. I just sat there half listening and half thinking. About ten minutes later the boy that I ran into the first day sat down at the table.

“And this is Jayce, he had some stuff to do so he was late” I said looked at Zack nodding and then looked at Jayce. Jayce and I stared at each other, just looking to the others eyes, his ocean green eyes might I add. I break eye contact to look him over. He had the same colored hair as me, dark brown and was very muscular; you would think that he would be since he is on the football team. Realizing that Zack was talking to me I turn away and ask Zack to repeat what he said again for me since I was too busy looking over Jayce.

“I said that everyone here is on the football team except for Jayce so that is why we are talking about football so much.”

“I figured as much, but why are you not on the team Jayce?” I turn to look at him.

“I don’t care for football that’s all,” He says. Just when I am about to reply the bell rings signaling that it is time to go to our next classes. Saying our goodbye Jayce and I walk to class together since we have the same class next. “Why are you so cold towards me?” I ask.

“I already explained that when we first ran into each other,” He said

“I am truly not who you think I am! I have been living life the way that others want me to live like but as you can see now I have changed. I’m the same Chantelle Green anymore, I am a new person.” By the time I have finished my mini rant we are already walking into the socials room so I just walk in without waiting for his reply. 

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