chapter two

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jungwon run fast, bumping into some people on the way. he couldn't stress out enough how he was freaking out right now. 

he slams the door of the clinic open. the nurse in there gave him a glare, not impress that he almost broke down the door.

"oh if it isn't my favo-"

"seriously jay hyung? another fight?" 

jay was suppose to be intimidated by how the younger was looking at him but he looks so cute. cooing over it wasn't an option tho because he knows it will just anger jungwon. he doesn't want that.

"i wasn't the first one to swing in a punch. come on, that was self defense!"

"you're really stressing me out!" 

"us too. i wonder how you can put up with him." sunghoon said from beside him.

"i even got a cut from trying to pull him out of that fight!" jake groaned, showing jungwon his cheek that has a band aid on it. he look like a child while doing that.

jungwon sigh before looking back at his bestfriend. "see that? if you won't stop from this bad habit of yours just for yourself then think of the people around you!"

jay pouted before pulling jungwon in a hug, catching the younger off guard. "i'm sorry. i promise i won't do it again. he was talking shit about you,okay? words that i know that aren't true. i just snap back by telling him that his girlfriend was shittier than you by cheating on him then he got mad and punched me. " he explained.

jungwon hug back after hearing this. "i appreciate you trying to protect me but please, stop getting into fights for me. i don't like it when you get hurt."

"i don't care. i'll do anything for you."

"then can you answer my math homework for me?" 

"woah let's not go crazy, shall we?"

jungwon pulled away from the hug. "you're so silly."

jay chuckled. "yeah but i'm serious about doing anything for you."

"can you please flirt elsewhere? gosh i always feel single when both of you are around." jake said ruining their moment. 

sunghoon laughed because of this while jungwon blushed. did it look like they were flirting?

"oh shut up jake." jay threw a tissue at him. "we weren't flirting. he's my bestfriend come on."

right, they were bestfriend. 

ever since jay had save jungwon from those bullies, the little guy won't leave his side. he even ask his grandma to enroll him to where jay was studying at. at first, jay wasn't fond of the little guy wanting to get closed with him but after a few days he has warmed up to him. 

who can resist yang jungwon? well someone heartless i guess. the little guy can wrap you around his fingers just by showing you his dimpled smile. he was also a very bubbly kid. jay isn't that strong to resist that.

so it became the other way around. jay became the one tailing behind the younger. despite being a year ahead he will always make time so they could see each other during breaks and hang out with him almost every time during his free time. he was also willing to get bruises just to protect jungwon. just like what happened now. 

jungwon wasn't fond of him getting into fights. that explains why he was so upset today. he always worries that one day, jay will get into a really huge fight and hurt himself too much than what he is seeing right now. that's why he always scold jay about it but the older was just too stubborn. he always worry for him.

they always worry for each other. they are bestfriends after all.


a label jungwon wanted to get rid off.

I wasn't suppose to upload this today but the comments from the first chapter really made me smile.

[written on October 31. 2020]

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