chapter five

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jungwon sits beside the window of his bedroom, watching the night sky with his head filled with thought's about earlier's  event. he was glad that sunoo gets along well with his friends but there was one thing bothering him.

it was the way that jay acts around sunoo. it was obvious that he was flirting with his cousin. well to be honest, jay was making it obvious but it was just sunoo who thinks that the older was just joking around and only being nice. 

he let out a heavy sigh. of course it was hurting him. he has feelings for his bestfriends for years now and this was the first time jay toon an interest with someone. 

his thoughts were disturb when his phone suddenly start ringing. he wasn't surprise to see jay's name in the caller ID. they always do this, call each other in the middle of night and talk as if they weren't together during day time.

"hey jay hyung." he answered without any hint of excitement in his tone.

jay was surprise hearing this tone from him. he sounds tired and uninterested. "are you okay? you don't sound like yourself." he ask worriedly.

"yes hyung. I'm just tired from school that's all."

"you sure? you might want to get some rest. I'll be okay with ending the call now."

"I'm fine hyungie~ stop worrying now." he tried to sound enthusiastic as possible. "let's contiue talking , okay? I'm sure you want to talk about something to me. you thought I wouldn't notice didn't you?"

he wants to hit himself. why was he even opening the topic about that? he doesn't like hurting himself but here he was making way for him to be hurt.

jay chuckled. "you really know me well." and he start talking about sunoo. jungwon keeps on listening at how his cousin fondly talks about his cousin. he didn't even notice that tears were already pooling in his eyes. "I know this is too fast but I think I like sunoo." that's what all it takes for jungwon's tears to fall from his eyes.

it was hurting him so much. he's been in love with him for years, dreamt about them being them together someday once he had the courage to confess.

but that's not possible anymore, jay likes someone who isn't him now.

his heart was aching. "I'm glad... I'm glad you finally found someone you like hyung." his voice cracked which didn't go unnoticed by jay.

"wonnie, are you sure you're okay?" 

"yes. I guess I'm just really tired hyung." he was keeping himself from sobbing. if jay figured out that he's crying then it won't be good. "I need to rest now hyung. goodnight." and he ended the call before jay could even say anything.

he know that jay won't stop until jungwon tells him the truth and he doesn't want that. he can't tell  jay about what he feels for him. not now when jay already likes someone else.

I wasn't suppose to update but I just saw that this reached a hundred of reads already in less than 2 days since the first chapter was published. thank you everyone >< kinda  weird that I'm thanking you by showing u a sad wonnie.

[written on November 6, 2020]

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