chapter eight

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jay stab the food on his plate while glaring at the two in front of him. jungwon was oblivious of the stare but ni-ki is very much aware of it but doesn't pay any mind on it. 

as jungwon said, he treated ni-ki lunch today. they weren't the only one here tho since jungwon spends his lunch break with his friends and cousin. ni-ki felt shy at first but they welcomed him warmly in their table. well except for jay whose looks could kill right now.

"jay, stop staring at them like that. you're making ni-ki feel uncomfortable." jake whispered to him.

"as he should be. jungwon only said he'll treat him for lunch, not sit with him. now it's like their the only one here. jungwon hasn't even glance at me."

jake smirks. "what? you're jealous of him?"

"of course I am!" jake was surprised with his answer. does jay like jungwon too now? "I'm his bestfriend. he should give me some of his attention to me too."

oh, that's why.

jake rolled his eyes at him. jay was impossible to deal with. the guy was oblivious for sure.

"hey ni-ki," jake said that captured the younger's attention. "I'm really glad that you two looks close already. it's nice to see jungwon got a new friend."

"right. since I got here, I've only seen him with these three." sunoo said. "I thought he'll have a lot of friends and even a boyfriend." 

"a boyfriend? really? no one even likes me romantically." jungwon said in a pout and ni-ki melts inside seeing how cute he is.

sunghoon laugh's at jungwon's words. "that's not true. I can make a list of people who likes you but couldn't even make a move on you because someone from this table is scaring them off."

"the guy is a little too protective, isn't he?" jake joins in.

"yah, jay hyung! why would you do that?" sunoo ask. 

jay scoffs at them. "jungwon doesn't need them. he already has me."

jungwon couldn't find words to say. all this time he didn't know that some people were having an interest in him but jay was just putting a barrier between them and jungwon. not that he minds tho, he only likes jay anyway but he was still a little upset because of it.

"hyung you're just my bestfriend. what if I also want a boyfriend?" 

it was the first time that jay felt annoyed that jungwon said he was just a bestfriend. why was he feeling like this? what he said was true. he's just a bestfriend. he can't keep jungwon to himself forever.

"okay, fine. I'll stop from doing that now. go and date whoever you want." that wasn't suppose to sound like he was upset but he couldn't help it.

"that won't be hard for jungwon anymore." sunoo said eyeing ni-ki. "ni-ki do you like my cousin?"

ni-ki chokes on his bread, surprised because of sunoo's question. jungwon rubs circles on his back and gave him a glass of water that he gladly gulps down. he almost died in there.

"hyung what's with your question? gosh you're embarrassing me."

"I'm sorry ni-ki. I was just curious." sunoo smiles apologetically. "since I got an invite to a date, I also want jungwon to have one. he might feel lonely if ever things workout between me and this guy."

"just because you have someone already it doesn't mean I had to have one too." jungwon sighs before his cousins words sinks in. "wait-- someone asked you out on a date?"

well that surprised everyone from the table, except for two persons.

I wonder who that guy is. wattpad won't let me update fjdshvj it hates me ><

[written on November 13, 2020]

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