chapter thirteen

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jungwon nervously stood in front of jay's door. he can't even bring himself to knock on the door. 

"the last time I check, jay's house doesn't have a password you have to type in before getting in but even if it did I'm sure you'll be one of those people that will know what the password is." he was startled by jake's voice from behind.

"jake hyung you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"but I didn't." he says before knocking on jay's door.

heeseungg stood beside jungwon. "I'm sorry about him."

"don't worry hyung. I'm used to him playing tricks on me already."

"stop whispering about me!"

just then the door opened revealing ni-ki that surprised the three of them.

"what are you doing here?" jungwon ask.

"uhm... for a sleepover."

jungwon hits him lightly on the head. "I mean.. how did you get here first?"

"sunghoon hyung with your cousin fetched me. they keep saying I was their child or something." he groans. "I'm glad the three of you are here already. they've been treating me like an actual baby since I got here."

jake laughs as he walks in along with his boyfriend and jungwon. "I bet that it was sunoo's idea."

"and sunghoon was just drag into it to please sunoo."

"I couldn't agree more." jungwon giggles.

they reach the theater room where jay and the sunsun couple was in. 

sunghoon and sunoo were already cuddling while jay thidwheels

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sunghoon and sunoo were already cuddling while jay thidwheels. snacks was already there and their choosen movie was waiting to be played.

"fianlly they are here!" sunoo cheers.

"thanks for leaving me behind sunoo hyung." jungwon said sarcastically. 

his eyes then looks at jay who was already looking at him. he smiled at him but jay looks away from him that made his smile falter and faded.

"okay, let's start already!" jake said and push the play button.

the couples were already cuddling while ni-ki and jungwon sat together sharing one blanket. jay was sitting on his own, trying his best to focus on the film but he can't help but steal glances at the two youngest.

the two were whispering and giggling to each other. he wanted to sit between them but of course he can't. 

after finishing two movies, jay stood up and excuse himself to the bathroom. well he didn't actually go there. he went straight to their backyard. jealousy was building up inside him and he was afraid he'll end up doing something he'll regret.

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