chapter one

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the 5 years old jungwon whimpered in fear as the taller and older guys tower over him.

"aw what a baby. scared of us?" one of them said.

"he obviously is. look at him shaking in fear." the other one even mocked how jungwon act. all of them laugh at what their ridiculous friend did.

"leave me alone!" jungwon was trying to act tough but his voice cracked, failing him. 

this made the bullies laugh harder as they mocked him repeatedly. he couldn't hold the tears anymore. he was just trying to play in peace but these guys suddenly went to him just to make fun of him. they were also trying to steal jungwon's favorite sheep plushie from him, which he was hugging tightly right now. he doesn't want to let go of it.

that plushie wasn't just any plushie. it was the last gift he receive from his parents before they passed away. despite being young, he understands what was happening around him. he knows his parents won't be coming back that's why he was so heartbroken about it. 

his nana, who was his grandmother, cheered him up. she told him that with the plushie with him, that means his parents were just around him. to look out for him. that's why he love this plushie dearly.

"i said give me that plushie!" 

but these bullies were ganging up on him to take it away from him. they were now pulling his arms harshly, it was already hurting him. he was so close to giving up.

"hey! let go of him!'

jay just ran out from his home again. his parents just scolded him again for fighting with someone at school again. well in his defense, the one he punched was being annoying. the guy kept getting on his nerves. he did tried his best to ignore but he pushed his limits.

he just decided to go to the playground to play on his own when he saw the sight of a little boy being gang up by three guys. the little boy was already crying and he saw how the bullies were pulling his arms harshly.

he ran towards them before yelling, "hey! let go of him!"

that stop the bullies and their attention was now on jay. the two of them knows jay and they got scared seeing him while their so called leader doesn't.

"mind your own business. if you don't then you'll be the one we'll be bea--"

"dude, no." he was held back by his friend. "that's jay! we can't fight him, we got nothing on him."

"yes. he's a monster when it comes to fist fight. he can definitely send us to a hospital."

jay mentally rolled his eyes hearing these. he's very much aware that everyone is scared of him. no, he isn't a bad kid. he was actually nice but people just loves getting on his nerves which resorts him to getting in a fight with them. now everybody fears him.

the bullies gave him one last glance before running away. he was surprised that it just ended just like that. he thought he'll end up in a fight again but still, he was glad it was easy.

he went closer to the little guy and he notice the sparkle in his eyes while he was looking at him.

"hey. are you okay?"

he was surprised when jungwon hug him. "you're my hero."

imagine little jay and jungwon, that's so cute >< anyways, i hoped you like this guys.

[ written on October 31, 2020]

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