chapter four

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"hyung come on! i'm sure they're already there." jungwon pulled his cousin with him as they made their way to the school's cafeteria. he was excited to introduce sunoo to his hyungs, specially to his bestfriend jay.

jay despite being bestfriend with him for yours hasn't met sunoo. they never crossed each other's path whenever they are visiting jungwon.

"wait but i have to go the principal's office first."

that stop jungwon from his tracks. "why? did you get in trouble? hyung this is only your-"

"no, i'm not in trouble. our class adviser told me i need to get something from there."

"oh okay. then i'll go with you." 

"no need. you can go there first. they must be feeling impatient now."

"are you sure?" jungwon asked, worried. "do you know how to get to the cafeteria? you might get lost."

"i'm not a little child jungwon." sunoo giggled, finding his cousin cute. "i'll be fine. i can ask for directions."

"fine. i'll see you there, okay?"

sunoo was surprise to see someone else in the principal's office. he was sure it was just another student since he was wearing their uniform.

"uhm hey.." he said, catching the guy's attention. "where's principal Kang?"

he waited for the guy to answer but he started to feel uncomfortable when all it did was stared back at him. 

"do you have any plans of answering my question?" he didn't mean to sound rude but it made him uncomfortable already. 

the guy blink for a few times before realizing how creepy he ended up looking in front of sunoo.

"i'm sorry. i was spacing out." he said brushing his hair with his hand. "uhm he just went out for something. he'll be back anytime soon."

sunoo nods, kinda upset he'll have to wait longer. jungwon told him that his friends were excited to meet him but it seems like they have to wait a little longer.

"you can sit here." the guy gestured to the sofa he was sitting on.

sunoo did as told, not saying anything. the guy was looking at him as if it was his first time seeing a human. well sunoo was used with receiving stares of admiration wherever he go, he knows it himself that he's one fine looking guy, but it still makes him uncomfortable somehow.

"can you.. can you please stop staring? it's seriously making me feel uncomfortable." he said honestly.

"oh.. i'm really sorry. it's my first time seeing you so it got me wondering who you are. you new here?"

he nods. "i just transfer here today, it's my first day."

"oh that's why. i'm really sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable with me staring at you."

"hm don't worry about it. it's okay." sunoo smiles, that made the guy blushed a little.

"so.." he cleared his throat. trying to ignore what he was feeling with sunoo's smile. "what's your name?" that came out lame.

"i'm sunoo. you?"


jungwon keeps checking the cafeteria's entrance. he can't seem to stay put in his seat which was disturbing sunghoon and jake.

"chill wonnie. jay will be here any minute now." jake said, teasing him a little.

"i'm not looking for jay hyung. my cousin hasn't shown up and i'm worried now."

"I'll believe the part where you are worried of your cousin but you, not waiting for jay? come on, don't lie." jake said laughing.

"I agree with jake." sunghoon adds.

jungwon gave them a glare that should be scaring them but he was too cute to be even feared on.

"what are you trying to imply?"

"that you lik--"

"oh look! there's jay hyung." he cut him off, saving himself from the embarrassment he'll have to face if jake finishes the sentence. he know he'll be a blushing mess if jake did and that would be too obvious. also, jungwon isn't the best liar you'll know, he won't be able to deny that if ever.

true to his words, jay has entered the cafeteria but he wasn't alone. the three of them were confuse to see him with someone unfamiliar to them. oh wait let me correct that, unfamiliar to jake and sunghoon.

"sunoo hyung, what are you doing with jay hyung?" he ask his cousin as soon as the two reached their table. "did the two of you know each other even before you transfer here?"

"oh no, we don't. we just met awhile ago in the principal's office. he was there when i arrived and he kept me company after finding out i was your cousin."

jungwon's eye squint at his bestfriend after hearing it. "why were you at the principal's office? did you get in trouble again?"

"oh come on. he just called so he could give me this gift he has for dad. they are close friends, remember?" jay defended himself. subtly checking sunoo's reaction. "don't ruin my name in front of sunoo."

"what? i was just asking." he rolled his eyes. he was slightly bothered at what jay has said. why does he care about sunoo's thoughts about him? he clearly remember jay telling him that he doesn't care about what others think. what makes sunoo different?

lmao. this was kinda lame. please pray for the Philippines, specially Cagayan and Isabela. 

[written on November 6, 2020]

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