chapter ten

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sunoo excitedly waits in the cafe for his date. the first day they met, he already had his eyes set on him. who wouldn't be drawn into this guy?

it was obvious to him that this guy is famous among the girls and boy that's why he was shock when he was asked out on a date with him.

"sunoo we've only known each other for a week but I already like you." his eyes widen because of the confession. "at first I couldn't understand why seeing you smile and hearing your laugh brightens my day. just by your presence you already bring me comfort."

"hyung I... I don't know what to say." he was having a hard time taking it all in.

"it's okay. I'm also not obligating you to like me just because I confessed. the decision is all yours but it doesn't mean I won't try."

"are you going to ask me out on a date?"

"yes. will you agree to it?"

he smiles. "I'd be glad to go on a date with you sunghoon hyung."

they just decided to hide it from the others for now so in case it won't work out with them, the others won't have any idea about what happened and it won't be awkward. 

but sunoo was sure he wants it to work out for them. he also likes him.

jay sat beside the window of his room so he could see jungwon when he arrives. he was in fact sick but he wasn't alone. they have a lot of maids so of course he has someone that could attend to his needs but he doesn't want them to be the one to do it, he wants jungwon.

he knows about the date and he feels bad that he made jungwon cancel it for him but the thought of jungwon going on a date with someone else bothers him.

it's true that he scares off jungwon's admirers because he thought jungwon isn't interested with them and they'll only disturb him. he used to be sure that was the reason but now he wasn't.

he stood up from his seat and rush to his bed after seeing jungwon go down a cab. if jungwon saw him out from his bed while he was supposedly sick will make the younger scold him. 

a few minutes later, his bedroom's door creaks open, revealing jungwon. he walks towards jay's bed and sat there.

"how are you feeling now? did you drink your meds already?"

"wonnie I want cuddles."

"that doesn't answer my question hyung." jungwon frowns at him.

"cuddle with me then I'll give you answer." jay said in a pout. jungwon rolles his eyes but he was kinda used to this jay. they've been together for years and one fact that he knows about jay is that a sick jay is a cuddly jay.

he lays down beside him and let jay wraps his arms around him. he is now face to face with jay's chest.

"I miss you." jay said.

"what?" jungwon looks up at him. "weren't we together yesterday?"

"yes but you were too busy talking with ni-ki. I felt like you abandoned me." he whined making jungwon giggle. those giggles that always warms jay's heart.

"stop being dramatic hyung. I was the one that invited him to our table that's why I had to keep him entertained. it would be rude if I won't talk to him."

"yeah but..."


"he asked you out on a date."

jungwon stares at him not knowing what to say. so what if ni-ki asked him out? does jay really don't want him to go out with anyone?

"yeah but look where I am now. beside you, being your personal teddy bear again." he says. "hyung be honest with me. it seems like you don't like the idea of me going out with someone, why?" jungwon was expecting a bit.

"it's because I'm afraid I'll lose you from them."

jungwon sat up, breaking away from the jay's arms that made the older whine more. he's also very whiny when sick. he also sat up and now they were facing each other.

"hyung just because I'll start dating someone, doesn't mean you'll lose me. I am your bestfriend after all."


if jungwon says that one more time, jay will definitely go feral. this is another thing that he won't understand, he starts to get upset now whenever jungwon refers to him as his bestfriend.

"I don't want you being with someone else."

"you're starting to sound selfish hyung."

"if you want to have a boyfriend then date me." that surprised both of them but jay won't take it back. "you can have me."

"you like someone else and that's not me." jungwon was holding himself back from crying. he was so confused as to why the older was acting like this. he wanted to say yes to jay but he knows that he didn't mean it. "you're just sick, that's why you're saying that. go and rest now."

"I mean it jungwon."

"stop playing with my heart!" jungwon yells and tears starts to pour from his eyes. "you don't know how much you've hurt me already so please just stop already. you're going to date me and be my boyfriend just because you hate seeing me with someone else? only because of that?"

"jungwon calm d--"

"no! you're being selfish and unfair... and confusing. hyung, I've love you for years now so believe me when I say that I want to date you so bad. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours because I love you but then you'll give me that reason of yours. is this just a joke to you?"

"you love me?"

jungwon groaned. he said a lot of things and that was the only thing the older had manage to understand? 


"then why didn't you tell me?"

"because I'm afraid." the tears just won't stop. "scared to ruin what we have. I know that in your eyes, I'm just your bestfriend, nothing more than that and it hurts so bad. it hurts loving you so I guess I'll just have to stop."

this chapter kinda sucks. ngl. also, I'm actually a sunsun shipper....

[written on November 14, 2020]

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