chapter three

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jungwon doesn't know when it started but he was sure of his feelings for his bestfriend. one time when he saw jay smile, it was like an awakening to him. he likes him, he likes jay. 

he wasn't able to sleep that night after his new realization. he was trying to think of a reason why he started liking his bestfriend. out of all those people he knows, how did he end up liking jay? he could've go for heeseung who was their school's star but no, he just had to end up liking his bestfriend.

maybe it was the way jay's smile and laugh can brighten his gloomy day or maybe it's because of how jay takes care of him that makes him feel tingly inside. nah, it was just because he's jay. his dorky bestfriend who always finds a way to get involve in a fight.

jungwon shook his thoughts off as he entered their house. his nana was smiling at him. it looks like she has a good news with her. that's when he smelled something from the kitchen. his nana was cooking a special meal today.

"what's the occasion nana?" he asked her after taking his shoes off.

"what? can't i cook if there are no occasion?" 

he giggled. "of course you can. but i can sense that there's something good happening?"

"because there is!"

"really? what is it?" his eyes lighten up upon hearing her answer.

"your cousin sunoo will be staying with us." 

now that got him really excited. sunoo was his favorite cousin. aside from his nana, sunoo was also beside him to comfort him after the death of his parents. being the sunshine he is, he was a really huge help into cheering the younger up.

"when? when will he come?"

"check your bedroom upstairs."

he smiled at his nana before running faster than daylight towards his room. he even tripped a bit on the way but he didn't pay no mind. he was excited to see his sunoo hyung. 

but he was disappointed to see his bedroom empty. he thought he'll be seeing sunoo there because of what his nana said. was she playing a prank on him? well despite her age, she still likes pulling pranks on her grandchild.

he was about to leave his room when someone suddenly jump on him. he yelp in surprise and saw his sunoo hyung's face.

"yah hyung! you scared me!" he says as he hit sunoo on the arm but sunoo just keeps on laughing. "don't do that again please."

"okay, okay. i'm sorry." but sunoo was still laughing so hard.

once he calmed down, they sat down on jungwon's bed to talk. both very excited to catch up with one another. 

"why are you staying with us anyway? and how long?"

"why? do you want to get rid of me already?"

"hm maybe." jungwon teased causing sunoo to hit him on the arm. "i was just joking. come on, answer my question."

"well guess who'll be attending the same school as you?"

I hope everyone will support and respect jungwon as ENHYPEN's leader. I hope no one will shade, invalidate and be salty because of it. let's continue giving our love and support to all of them.

[written on November 3, 2020] 

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