chapter fourteen

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"what's taking them so long?" sunoo said, eyeing the theater room's door. waiting for it to open so he could see jay and jungwon come in.

"let them be sunoo. they must be taking their time." heeseung said.

seconds later, the door opened, revealing an upset jungwon. he walk back to his original seat with a frown on his face. then jay followed, also looking sullen. 

the others looks at each other, feeling uncomfortable of the gloomy atmosphere. they were expecting that the two will come in, holding hands and then announce that they are dating already. but it wasn't what they are seeing right now.

"so uhm..." jake speaks up to break the tension. "what movie shall we watch next?"

"a-anything will do." ni-ki's voice cracked. he just saw jay glaring at him, must be plotting a plan to end him.

"we're not watching any movie." sunoo loudly said.

"then what else do you wanna do?" sunghoon ask his lover.

sunoo points at both jay and jungwon. "talk about them." 

"what about us?" jay ask. 

sunoo crosses his arms. "when are you gonna fix the conflict between the two of you? we all know that you have feelings for each other then just make up and confess already! the pining is getting too long already."

"we already confessed to each other." jungwon says.

"then why are you still acting like that?" jake raised an eyebrow at them.

"I thought you'll be all over each other after talking." 

they all waited expectantly for the two to answer as if a greatest mystery will be solved once they speak about the truth.

"jungwon just got annoyed because I was kissing him to much. he said we need to comeback here but I prefer staying in our own little space there."

"it was uncomfortable in the garden, who would want to stay there?" jungwon rolls his eyes at jay.

a unison of "oohh" errupt in the group not completely realizing what the two just said. it took them a minute to fully take it in.

"what? what kiss?"

"what did you just said?" 

"what were you doing in the garden?"

"they kissed?"

they were all speaking at the same time that it was hard to understand them. the new couple laughs at their friend. they were already expecting that they'll  react this way. 

"jeez guys calm down." jungwon giggles.

"jay how dare you kiss my cousin! he's just a baby!" sunoo exclaims.

"yeah, he's my baby." that caused jungwon to blush while the other cringe. "you're acting as if you don't act disgusting sweet with your boyfriends."

"I don't because I'm the only one who's single in here." ni-ki groans when he realized he was now surrounded by couples.

the others start teasing the younger. mostly sunoo who's calling him their child. jungwon let them be and walks towards jay. he was about to sit beside him when jay pulls him that ends up him sitting on his lap. jay lovingly wraps his arms around his waist.

"hyung... they might tease us for this." jungwon shyly said.

"let them. it's not like they never do it." jay said as he rest his chin on jungwon's shoulder.

"you are more of a baby than I am." the younger giggled. "you're also more clingier now that we're dating."

"you can't blame me. I miss you so much."

"I did too. I'm really sorry for ignoring you, I was just really hurt of what happened."

"no need to be sorry now. both of us has our own faults. what's important is that you're in my arms right now."

this has reached 1k reads already. I am surprised :0

thank you everyone~

[written on November 20, 2020]

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