chapter nine

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"I wonder who that guy is." 

ni-ki was walking jungwon to his classroom. the little guy keeps making guess of who the guy sunoo was referring to since he won't tell them who is it. sunoo said he wanted to make sure first if this guy was worthy of him. 

"don't stress too much about it. I know he'll tell you soon who is it." ni-ki chuckles. jungwon looks adorable while guessing.

"hm you're right. I guess I'll just have to wait."

they stop on their tracks, arriving in front of jungwon's classroom. "I had fun today ni-ki. I'm sorry about sunoo hyung's words back there." he laughs. "I hope that didn't make things awkward between us and maybe we could hang out again someday or you could just join us everyday at lunch."

"I would love that hyung." ni-ki smiles.

"great! I'll see you on Monday then?"

ni-ki nervously plays with the pen he was holding. "uhm hyung.. I was thinking of.." jungwon looks at him expectantly which made him more nervous. "about what sunoo hyung said. I know it's too soon since we've only met yesterday but you're a really great person. that makes it harder for me hold this back."

"what are you trying to say ni-ki?"

"can you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"I'm so happy to know that both of you have a date today. you're really growing up too fast." their nana was feeling emotional as he looks at sunoo and jungwon.

"nana it's just a date. we're not getting married." jungwon laughs.

"oh let nana be. I completely understand what she feels after you told me that ni-ki asked you out on a date." sunoo nudges him. "I knew he likes you!"

it was a surprise to jungwon tho. he didn't expect for ni-ki to bravely ask him out. not that he was underestimating him, he was surprised because someone actually ask him out.

oh jungwon, anyone would do anything just to be in ni-ki's place.

"you still haven't told me who your date is." jungwon gave his cousin a pointing finger. 

sunoo giggles. "I promise to tell you later." he smiles, thinking of him. "but I'll have to go now. we promise to meet each other at the cafe near our school then we'll be on our way to an amusement park." excitement could be heard in his voice. 

"have fun hyung! I know how much you love amusement park's." 

sunoo bade his goodbye to jungwon and their nana before going out from the house. jungwon plops down in the sofa and starts scrolling thru his twitter feed.

"how about you wonnie? what time will you be going out?" his nana ask.

"ni-ki will be picking me up here after an hour nana."

"that's good! I want to meet him before the two of you go."

he was about to reply back to her when his phone suddenly rang. he was surprise to see jay calling. they said they'll call each other later at night. why was he calling now?


"jungwon can you please come visit me at home?"

"but I have plans today. I already told you about ni-ki."

he wanted to go to him but he knows it's wrong. it's clear to him that they have no chance. it's time for him to open up his heart for someone else.

no, he wasn't just going on a date with ni-ki to use him to move on. he genuinely wanna know more about him.

"wonnie.. I'm sick. I have a high fever and I don't have anyone with me." that's when he notice jay's voice. he does sound sick. "I need you."

and those three words were enough for him to cancel his date with niki.

well that will be sad for ni-ki's part. also, jaywon was so cute in today's episode. ><

[written on November 13, 2020]

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