chapter six

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sunoo stared at his cousin, noticing his swelling eyes. early in the morning jungwon looks tired and drained already, his eyes are even swelling. it's his first time seeing him like this.

"jungwon are you okay?" he asked.

jungwon looks up from his cereal before answering. "of course I am hyung."

"you don't look okay to me. were you crying last night?"

the question caught jungwon off guard. is it obvious that he did?

feeling bad for lying to sunoo, he said no. he never once lied to him. he always shares his thoughts with him, he was open with him but he can't right now. if sunoo ends up finding out about the truth then he'll for sure blame himself even if it isn't his fault.

it wasn't his fault that his bestfriend likes him. sunoo never even knew about his feelings for jay. he was too shy to admit it to anyone tho it was already obvious to jake and sunghoon. 

"I just stayed up late working with some homeworks." he said.

sunoo pouts, knowing jungwon was lying to him. he didn't push any further tho. he doesn't want to force him to tell anything, jungwon will do it if he's comfortable anyway.

"what do you think should I do for him?" jay ask him.

 they were currently in the school's library. jungwon was there to study for a quiz and since jay doesn't have any classes to attend to, he decided to tag along.

"I don't know hyung. I know nothing about those things." he was hardly trying to focus on the book he's reading but jay was so good at distracting him.

"he's your cousin so you know what he likes. come on tell me." 

he sighs as he let go of the book before looking at jay beside him. the older was pouting like a cute little kid, he wanted to coo at him but he was feeling jealous and he needs to review for fucks sake.

"look, if you really like him then figure it out yourself. stop disturbing me." he snap at him which he regrets right away.

"I just wanted help from you since you know him better than anyone else and also you're my bestfriend. I'm sorry if I'm being an annoyance to you." jay stood up and left him.

it was clear that the older was upset. he quickly stood up to follow him. yeah, he was hurting out of jealousy but he was a fool for jay that is ready to do anything for him.

fuck his feelings and his physics subject. he could fail there and he won't care as long as he was there for jay.

he ran around the hallways trying to look for him. the older was so fast, disappearing from his sight. he was already feeling frustrated that his eyes were getting blurry with tears already. with his blurry eyesight he didn't notice anyone around him until he bump into someone.

"woah there-- slow down, will you?" said an unfamiliar voice. the guy notice jungwon's state. "uhm.. are you okay?"

"did you see jay? please tell me where he went." jungwon said. not even bothering to answer the guy's question.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who you're talking about."

"oh.. okay. I'll be going th--" and just like that, jungwon suddenly lost consciousness.

haha hello. idk why I laughed at the last part...

anyways, happy birthday to our icon of growth

[written on November 13,2020 but this was published on jake's birthday. someone might be confuse why I'm wishing jake a happy birthday on November 13]

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