chapter seven

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jungwon wakes up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar guy watching over him. he was about to panic when he realized that he was at the school's clinic. 

"what am I doing here and how did I get in here?" he ask the boy. 

"well I bump into you and.."

"and I passed out just because of that? am I that weak?"

"no, let me finish first." the guy shush him. "you were crying and panicking, asking me if I've seen a guy named jay. who even is he? your boyfriend?"

oh I wish he was.

"nope. he's just my bestfriend."

the stranger just nod before continuing. "then you suddenly faint. the nurse said it was because of exhaustion and stress. it's obvious with those bags under your eyes."

he didn't reply after that. it was true, he hasn't gotten enough sleep since last week after knowing jay's feelings for his cousin. he's already feeling sick but he did not want to skip school. 

"you should take care of yourself." the guy breaks the silence between them.

"yes, I know. I'm sorry for being a hassle to you today but I appreciate your kind action. thank you..." he trailed off, not knowing the stranger's name.

"ni-ki" he finished jungwon's sentence. "thank you ni-ki." jungwon showed his dimpled smile.

that causes ni-ki to blush a bit. was he starting to crush on a boy he just met just because of his smile?

"it's nothing." he coughs out nervously. "I'm glad uh.. to help you." he stammers as he speaks making jungwon giggle at how cute he was. seriously, jungwon needs to stop being unconsciously cute because it's messing with ni-ki's heart.

"where's the nurse anyway?" jungwon asked once again after noticing that they were the only one here.

"she had to get something from outside so she left us for awhile."

it went quite between them again. it wasn't awkward though, it's a comforting silent. jungwon looking outside from the window beside him while ni-ki takes this a chance to stare at him while he was distracted. 

jungwon has beautiful features, ni-ki takes note of that. he's voice and giggle is also soothing.

he was enjoying watching jungwon get amused by a butterfly passing by when the door suddenly slammed open. revealing a worried jay.

"I thought people were lying when they said that you were sent here. oh gosh how come I didn't notice you weren't feeling well." jay rushes to his side to check up on him.

jungwon smiles sadly. of course you wouldn't notice. you were busy fawning over my cousin to even notice things about me. he didn't said that outloud tho, he couldn't.

"are you okay now?" he nods as an answer. "great. you really made me worried. I'm sorry for walking out on you." jay engulfs him in a tight hug.

jungwon hugs him back. savoring the moment that he's in jay's arms. he loves being in it, he feels safe and they fit together just right. 

a clear on the throat was what pull them apart. jungwon almost forgot that ni-ki was with them.

"I think I should go now." ni-ki stood up from his seat. "I just didn't want to leave you alone but you got company now."

"I'm really thankful for what you did." jungwon said. "can I have your number? I'd like to treat you for lunch, maybe tomorrow, as a token of gratitude."

"oh you don't have to."

"but I want to. come on." ni-ki didn't made it obvious but he was rejoicing inside. he's potential crush just asked for his number and is planning to treat him lunch. he really wants to get to know jungwon so this is a opportunity given to him. 

jay with knitted eyebrows watches the two exchange phone numbers. it was bothering him and he doesn't know why. 

"who's that?" jay asked once ni-ki had left.

"that's ni-ki. he was the one that help me get in here after fainting."

jay nods and went completely quiet. a bit bother by the boy who just left.

I'm guessing that this will be short as well, like the other one. but it'll still be longer than annoying.

[written on November 13, 2020]

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