Chapter Two

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Clarkes POV

"We're back bitches!!!"

Everyone laughed at Octavia's declaration and ran out of the dropship onto earth. I followed, Wells right behind me. We all spread out, running around, trying to climb trees and laughing loudly. It felt so good to be free for once. I jogged away from the group and found myself at the top of a small river. In the distance I could see a huge mountain, the tip of it white with snow.

I leant against a small tree and then heard the crinkle of paper from inside my pocket. Pulling it out, I unfolded it to see a map of earth. There was a cross ontop of a mountain with the words -dropship land here. 

I frowned, looking up at the mountain again. Did they...

"Hey." Said a slightly familiar voice from behind me. I looked around to see a boy from my earth class we took as prisoners. "It's Clarke, right?" He asked.


"Finn Collins." He held out his hand and I shook it tentatively. "Illegal spacewalker." I laughed, suddenly remembering him.

"You were the one who wasted two months of our oxygen."

"I wouldn't call it wasting." He grinned. "So, what are you doing over here rather than celebrating."

"Trying to find out where we are." I explained, holding out the map. "I think we got dropped in the wrong place. We were supposed to go there." I pointed to the mountain. "At least, I think so."

Finn squinted at the map and the folded it back up. He handed it back to me and I stuck it back in my pocket.

"No offence princess." He said. "But who cares? We're alive, and on earth. Live a little." He turned to go back to the dropship.

"I am not a princess!" I protested to his retreating back, but I didn't think he heard me. Sighing, I turned to follow him back. He was right, there was no point dwelling on our problems now.

Wells found me just as I entered the clearing we had fallen into.

"Clarke, there you are." He took my arm and led me a few metres away from the people running around. "I was thinking, we need to find food and water. I mean, it's nice to be here and all, but I don't want to die of dehydration or something."

"Yeah, you're right." I surveyed everyone. None of them looked like they wanted to help. "But I don't know how we're going to get food and water for one-hundred people."

Wells nodded and then reached out to take my hand. I withdrew quickly and he sighed.


"No!" I interrupted. "I'll work with you to keep everyone alive Wells. But I'll never forgive you for what you did."

"Clarke, please just..."

"I'm sorry." Tears welled up in my eyes and I turned away. Wells had been my childhood friend, my best friend since I was two. But I could never forgive someone who had gotten my father killed.

"Hey princess!" Finn called, jogging to keep up with me as I half-ran away from Wells. "Wait up!"

I stopped and waited for Finn to catch up.

"What?" I asked, quickly wiping the tears from my face.

"Hey, are you okay?" He said, noticing my failed attempts to look fine.

"No." I shrugged. "What do you want?"

"Some of us are going to find water, want to come?"

"Why ask me?"

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