Chapter Eight

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Clarkes POV

I panicked as Lexas eyes closed and she slipped into unconsciousness. She had lost a lot of blood for a mere training accident, and I worried that she had lost too much.

"She will be fine if you stop the bleeding soon." Gustus murmured from behind my shoulder. I nodded - I had to focus. Sifting through the equipment I had laid on the table next to Lexa, I found the needle and thread I was looking for.

Anya tumbled into the tent all of a sudden, breathing heavily like she had been running for a while. She saw Lexa lying unconscious on the table and her face went pale.

"What's wrong with her?" She rasped out in between breaths,

"She's lost a lot of blood, but she will be fine as long as I stop the bleeding. Can you help?" Anya nodded grimly and came over. I saw Gustus slip out of the door out of the corner of my eye, probably to guard the door.

"What do I do?" Anya asked, pulling my attention back to Lexa.

"Press her wound back together. She needs stitches." Anya didn't question me, placing both her hands on either side of Lexas wound and pressing the cut together gently. I quickly threaded the needle and pressed it to the edge of the long cut.

The stitches didn't take long, and by the time they were done her wound was bleeding a lot less. I wiped the excess blood off the wound and then reached for the bandages. Anya helped me lift Lexa off the table slightly so I could wrap the bandages all around her stomach.

"Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Anya sniffed behind me and I turned to see one single tear escape from her eye and slide down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away, looking angered that she was crying.

"Yes." I reassured her. "She'll be tired when she wakes up so give her a few days of rest." Anya nodded and then did something I would never have expected.

Anya stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. Shocked, I hugged her back for a moment before she pulled away.

"Thank you." She whispered before pulling away and walking fast out of the door. I stared after her for a moment - still not entirely sure that it was real. I was still staring after Anya when Finn came in.

"Hey." He looked at Lexa lying on the table. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "She'll be worn out from blood loss though. Where's everyone else?"

"Just outside. They were waiting to make sure you were okay before they left."

Finn looked me up and down, checking if I was okay. I nodded at his words and shifted my weight to the other leg. Lexa whimpered again behind me and I flinched at the sound. She sounded so helpless. Finn nodded his head at Lexa.

"You go look after her. What should I tell the others?"

"Just tell them I'm fine and that they can go back now. Also, tell Bellamy to stop being so protective." Finn smiled.

"Will do princess. I'll be outside if you need me."

"Bye." I whispered as he turned to go and walked out of the tent. 

Everyone had been so shocked when we turned around to find Bellamy behind us - holding a gun. We thought he was a guard, sent to kill us. Luckily he had just been looking out for Octavia. Still - I was glad that both him and the gun were going far away from here.

Turning back to Lexa, I pulled up a nearby stool and sat next to her. She had curled in on her stomach, her hands clasped protectively in front of herself.

"Please be okay." I whispered to her before I could stop myself. She stirred slightly but stayed asleep. Her hand reached out subconsciously and without thinking, I took her hand gently in my own. Her face relaxed and she almost smiled in her sleep.

I knew that no one would disturb us for a while, so I lay my head on the table next to Lexa and fell asleep, still holding her hand.


Lexas POV

The nightmare came again. I had been having this same nightmare on and off for months now. 

I dreamed that Costia and I were walking through Polis, hand in hand. Then the Azplana (Ice Queen) Nia showed up and pulled Costia away from me to cut off her head. But this time it wasn't Costia.

It was Clarke.

I woke, shocked out of my nightmare. Nykos medical tent slowly formed in front of my eyes and I looked around. Clarke was sitting on a stool next to the table I lay on, fast asleep with her head on the table.

She was holding my hand. My breath hitched in my throat as I looked down at our entwined hands. I didn't know is she had voluntarily taken my hand or it was unintentional.

The wound at my stomach was brought to the front of my mind as I tried to sit up and felt pain. I looked down to see that someone had given me tidy stitches all along the cut. In case I pulled them, I lay back down and rested my head near Clarkes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "All I wanted was to protect you and then I do this to myself."

She stirred in her sleep and her even breathing caught for a second. Clarke lifted her head off the table and looked surprised to see me so close.

"You're awake." She said, her voice hoarse. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine." I whispered, not wanting the guards outside to hear. "I'm so sorry you have to see me like this." Clarke shook her head.

"Things happen. And I'd rather know the real you than the warrior you." She smiled warmly at me and I felt the corners of my mouth lift in response.

Right at that moment, we heard loud voices from outside and then heavy footsteps. Someone burst into the tent, a whirlwind of noise and fabric with her flowing clothes. They slowed down when they spotted Clarke and then stepped forward into the light.

"Hello strisis (little sister)." Luna said. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend." She nodded at Clarke and I, with our entwined hands.

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