Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Clarkes POV

My eyes flickered open to the sight of a metal wall, and I sat up only to see that my hands were tied to a pole.

"Hey!" I cried. "Let me out!" Someone opened the door and I saw that it was the guard from the gate.

"Woken up have you?" He grinned.

"Let me go!" I told him. "My mother will not be happy about this when she finds out!"

"Oh Clarke." The guard rolled his eyes. "Who do you think gave the order for you to be locked up in here?"

With that, he pulled the door closed. I gritted my teeth and pulled at the restraints around my wrist. Why would my mother do this to me? There was only one answer.


My mother hated her so much that she would restrain me to keep Lexa away. When Lexa returned, my mother would probably tell her that I didn't want to see her, or that I had left. And since I would not be there to confront her, Lexa would leave.

"I hate you." I muttered to no one in particular. There was a shuffling sound behind me and I whipped around to see a man chained to a similiar pole as me.

He was obviously one of Lexas people, he had the same clothing as they did. He was tall, I could tell even as he sat on the floor, with dark skin and no hair.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"Lincoln." He mumbled. "I'm here because they didn't like the fact that I came to them when your people were taken. I'm a friend of Octavias. We met when she was travelling back to her ship. But they took her. So I came her for help but they chucked me in here."

I grimaced.

"Sorry." I said. "My people suck. I'm..."

"I know. Clarke Griffin." He interrupted. "I heard them talk about you when they brought you in. Apparently you tried to escape, badly."

For some reason, this statement made me mad. I turned my back on Lincoln and faced the door again. I heard him laugh behind me but I didn't respond.

All day, I sat in the exact same spot. Through the window that was in the roof, I could see the sun as it passed overhead, and then slowly sunk in the sky. The cell was almost black when the door creaked open again.

"Clarke?" Someone hissed. I peered into the darkness.


"Yeah." Raven crept over to me. "I snuck in, heard you got chucked in here. I don't know why, but you helped me so I'll help you. Here." She pressed something into my hand. A knife.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, you helped me. Also because I kind of like your girlfriend. She's cool. And I figure if you get out, she'll spend more time here." Raven laughed and stood.

"Thank you." I whispered as she made her way to the door.

"No problem Griff." I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "If anyone askes, the knife was just shoved between the wall and the floor. okay?"

"Okay. Bye Raven." Raven slipped out and closed the door with a soft click. I wonder how she got past the guard, but there was no time to dwell on that now. With slow movements, I slid the knife between the restrains and began sawing them off.

When they finally fell to the gorund, I stood and shook out my sore limbs. I headed for the door, but hesitated. Sighing, I headed over to Lincoln. As quick as I could, I freed him from his restraints. He lifted his head.

"Mochof. (thank you) I mean..."

"Pro. (you're welcome)" Lincoln looked surprised that I knew his language but I didn't have time to chat. "Good luck." I whispered, before going back to the door. Lincoln watched me go.

I slipped into the hallway to see a guard slumped over on the floor. Raven must have knocked him out. I smiled as I stepped around him. Heading towards where I knew the weapons were, I ducked into a doorway as someone came into the hallway.

As they passed, I resisted the urge to gasp. It was my mother. I wanted to reach out to her, but I stayed hidden until she rounded the corner. Then I was off again, and I ran until I reached the weapons room.

The door was unlocked and I opened the door. When I stepped inside, a hand clamped down on my shoulder. I lifted my other arm and punched the person hard. They fell with a grunt and I shook out my hand, which screamed with pain.

Ignoring the pain, I turned to the weapons. I grabbed two guns and as many bullets as I could fit inside my pockets. When I was looking around for anything else, I came across my sword and sheath, hanging on the wall. Grinning, I slipped it on and then made to leave.

As I poked my head out of the hallway, I saw a group of guards coming towards me. I cursed quietly and retreated back into the room. I dived under a table as the door opened again, and I saw many pairs of boots enter.

"Where did my gun go?" I heard someone say. "It was right here."

"You probably put it somewhere else." Someone else replied.

There were lots of them, and I knew that I would get caught sooner or later. Taking a risk, I crawled out from under the table and jumped up, hitting the nearest guard over the head to knock him down.

I drew my sword and held it to his throat. Everyone else froze.

"Here's how this is going to work." I said. "You are going to let me leave without any fuss, or your friend here will die."

No one moved and I nodded. Taking the guard, I dragged him out of the door and started walking down the hallway. He was stumbling over everything and I pulled on him impatiently.

"What are you going to do with me?" He asked, frightened.

"I'm just making sure they don't come after me." I said. "If they don't, I'll leave you at the gate. But if they do, you are going to die. Got it?"

"Please don't kill me." He pleaded. I ignored him, and pushed open the main door with my leg. There were only a few people still out, and they looked at me and then the man I was holding. Someone stepped forward but I yelled at them to stay back.

"Or he dies!" I threatened, pressing the sword harder against his throat. No one else tried to stop me as I headed for the gate.

The guards opened it for me, and stepped back as I walked past them. A few steps out fo the gate, I stopped and looked at the guard I still had.

"Guess this is your lucky day." I commented, before letting him go and pushing him towards his friends.

"Clarke." A guard said, but I cut him off.

"This is a message for my mother." I told him. "Tell her, tell her that I know she killed my father, and that this is goodbye."

The guard nodded, probably thinking I would make sure he passed along the message. I knew he would tell her, and I turned to leave.

With one look back at the place I once called home, I ran into the forest.

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