Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Clarkes POV

I look towards the door for what must be the hundredth time. 


I'm worried about Lexa.

She normally doesn't take this long. Maybe she just got lost, or maybe one of her guards had to do something?

"I thought Lexa would be back by now." Charlotte said.

"Me too." I mumbled. "But she'll be fine. She can take care of herself." I was reassuring myself more than Charlotte at that point.

There was a sudden knock on the door and I jumped up, relieved that Lexa was back. But it wasn't Lexa that opened the door ans stepped inside, it was mum. She looked around, frowning.

"Where's Lexa?" She asked. "The council needs to talk to her."

"She's not here." I slumped against a chair. "She went to find her guards, but she should be back by now." I was starting to worry now.

"Hmm." Mum thought for a moment. "Well, if she hasn't shown up in another hour then we'll look for her. Okay?" I nodded gratefully, and then mum turned to Charlotte. "Are you all good in here?" She asked, as if she was hoping that Charlotte would change her mind.

Charlotte nodded happily, and mum sighed. Even though it was still super early, I liked the idea of having a child to look after, especially with Lexa. Way too early. I told myself, shaking my head. As mum left, I sat on the chair and continued to stare at the door.


Lexas POV

I had been in here for maybe half an hour, and nothing had happened. Finn had left, leaving a boy I didn't know in charge. I had always suspected that Finn didn't like me, but I never thought he would take it this far.

"What does Finn want with me?" I asked the boy, who was sitting against the wall.

"Not entirely sure." He shrugged. "But I do know that you're really going to feel it when he comes back." I wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but it didn't sound good.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Murphy." He said. "It's John Murphy really, but that's what everyone calls me."

"Murphy?" I tried. "Let me out?"

He scoffed and shook his head, his expression saying that I couldn't get him that easily. I sighed and leant my head back on my chair, still trying to pull the ropes away. But they just would not budge. 

"You know, Clarkes mother is very well respected here." I said, looking at the cieling. "When Clarke finds me, you guys will be punished."

"No we wont." Murphy smiled. "Because she won't find you. We're making sure of that. By the way, we also told your guards to go home, said that you passed along a message. They're gone." I gritted my teeth and resisted the urge to curse at him. Anya and Delphi would have torn this place apart if I went missing.

The door cracked open, and I looked to see Finn, carrying a knife, coming in. He smiled meanly at me and I glared at him. I tride not to show how scared as he approached, menacingly twirling the knife betweem his fingers.

He almost dropped it, and I smirked at his imcompetence. Finn glared, and then brought a hand back and smashed it across my face. My breath came out in a gust as my chair rocked and I almost toppled over.

I could feel that there would be a bruise later, but I refused to break, so I stared Finn down as he watched me. He laughed.

"She's tough. But  this is before we even get started." He traced the tip of the knife along my cheek, and it was all I could do not to flinch away. "Scream all you want, no one will be able to hurt you."

Even though I knew it was stupid, I spat in his face. Finns face reddened, and he dug the knife in until I could feel a thin trickle of blood running down my face.

"You'll be able to do more damage if you take her armour of." Murphy said from behind me. Finn nodded and then reached for the buckle on my shoulder, pulling my shoulder guard off.

Slowly, as if to taunt me, he carefully took off each individual piece of armour. Some things were more complicated than others, and I went out of my way to make it as hard as I could. But Finn - who had working hands - overpowered me in the end. 

Eventually, I sat in my chair in just my bindings and the tight shorts I wore under my armour. Finn grinned at the expression I could not wipe off my face, humiliated and angry.

"That's better." He said. "Now we don't have to get your clothes dirty."

I knew he would begin soon, and I braced myself for the inevitable pain.

"What do you want?" I whispered. "Why are you doing this."

"Because, Heda." He said the second word sarcastically. "I don't trust you. You're just using Clarke to get the weapons, you and your tribe of savages."

"You want Clarke." I accused, since it was obvious. Finn shrugged and nodded.

"I was well on my way to getting her aswell, until you showed up, you b*tch." I flinched at his sharp tone. "Anyway, let's get on with things, shall we?" I gave him no response.

Finn took the knife firmly in his hands and slowly dragged the blade across my stomach, making a shallow cut. It didn't really hurt, but I knew he was just warming up. Just as I predicted, he dug the knife into my leg, pressing harder. 

I almost cried out, biting down hard on my lip as blood ran down my leg. Finn frowned at the colour of my blood.

"Why the hell is it black?" He asked, seeming awed.

"Because I'm far superior." I snapped back, earning a slap across the face. Then Finn put the knife down and I frowned. Surely it couldn't be over already.

It wasn't. Finn motioned to Murphy, and got handed what looked like a glowing rock on a dark handle. I frowned at it, having never seen it before. As if in demonstration, Finn lowered the thing and ran it across my face.

I screamed.

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