Chapter Forty

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Lexas POV

It didn't really matter anymore that Finn had taken my armour. He had cut me so many times that my blood had stained my entire body black. I was weak from lack of blood, slumped over in my chair. Once Finn had stopped shocking me with the strange weapon, he had turned back to his knife.

The entire time, Murphy just sat in a corner and watched as I screamed. He never stepped in, never said that it was enough. Maybe Finn wanted to kill me. I hoped someone would find me before that happened.

I had been given no food or water, and I could tell that the sun was slowly setting due to the fact that the temperature was slowly dropping. 

Murphy finally moved after many hours, but all he did was stand and head for the door. I looked after him, wishing that he could help me.

The door slammed shut behind him, and i heard the click of a lock and the sound of a bolt being drawn across. I was trapped, with no way out.

I knew that I was going to die.

From either blood loss or something else, I didn't know. But I would probably never see anything outside this room again.

I was so tired from the day of pain and screaming, so I leant my head forward, and fell asleep.


I woke up to the feeling of a knife being slowly dragged across my back. Finn was standing over me, his knife already stained black with my blood.

"If you're going to kill me, just kill me." I snarled at him.

"Why would I do that?" He asked. "It's much more fun to do it this way." The knife dug into my shoulder, and I tried to flinch back, but the ropes held me still.

"Clarkes going to find me." I said. "She won't stop until she does."

"She can't hear you down here, she thinks that this is the prisoner holding cell. We told her that we found a male grounder who tried to attack us. She won't come in here, trust me."

Even though I knew he was probably right, I still wanted  her to find me. 

"She did organise a search party when you disappeared though." Finn said, dragging the knife down my arm all the way to my wrist. "I helped, just so she wouldn't think I had you. She's really panicked you know."

"Why?" I whispered.

"Because I hate you. I don't have time to talk to you." And he dug his knife into my hand, creating a deep cut. I couldn't help the moan of pain that escaped, and he grinned.

"You're sick." I spat, trying to wriggle my hands away. "You should..." He punched me across the face, which was the only part of my body that he hadn't used his knife on. I wondered why, but asking would probably result in more of my blood on the floor.

Sooner or later, Finn would take it too far, cut too deep, and I would die. I hoped for that moment, that this terrible pain would end. 

"I think it's time we brought out this again." Finn grinned at the terrified expression on my face as he picked up the weapon that shocked me. I thought it was maybe laced with electricity, designed to incapacitate.

I braced myself for the pain as he dragged the shocker scross my stomach, but I couldn't help screaming.

All of a sudden, we heard footsteps outside. Finn froze and then pointed the weapon at me.

"Make a sound, and I'll kill your friends." He probably had guessed that I would spare my own life, but never of the ones I was close too. I didn't say a word.

"I have no idea where she is!" I recognised Clarkes voice, high and hysteric. "She can't have just vanished."

"We'll fine her." Her mother responded. "She can't have gone far."

"Maybe she's dead." Clakres voice choked off and I heard the sound of sobbing. I struggled against the ropes, trying to reach her. Finn gently tapped my leg with the shocker, not enough to make me scream but enough to stop me struggling.

I hoped that Clarke would come in, but after a minute I heard her footsteps, walking away. I slumped forward, all hope of rescue lost. I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

Maybe I should just give up, stop even trying. It might make this go faster. Finn seemed to sense my defeat, and smirked triumphantly.

We both knew that I would die soon.

The hours passed slowly, my blood making a bigger puddle on the floor. Finn did only shallow cuts from now on, ones that would heal quickly but still hurt.

By the time the sun set again, there wasn't a part of my body below my face that wasn't covered in cuts and blood. I was weak, close to death, and Finn knew it.

I didn't even have enough energy to hold my head up for even a small amount of time. When I couldn't look up, I slumped, my head almost resting on my chest. Tears slowly trickled down my face, both from pain and sadness.

I knew that I would never see Clarke again, and I hoped that she would never see my body. It would crush her, and I didn't want that. But if I were to ask Finn to dispose of my body appropriately, I knew he would leave me somewhere to be found.

The only hope I had was to stay silent, and hope.

Finns fingers curled under my chin, lifting my face up so he could see my face. I glared at him with all the anger I felt, which was not a lot since I could barely feel anything.

He smiled, a cruel smile that I hated. My head slumped again, but he did not move his hands, he merely held my head up as the energy dained from my body.

The door creaked open, and Finn turned, as if he was expecting something that had finally arrived.

This was the moment I was going to die.

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