Chapter Forty-Six

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Lexas POV

Clarke came back sooner than I expected. She shut the bedroom door behind her and leaned against it, her expression horrified.

"What happened?" I asked. Clarke opened her eyes.

"I walked in on my mother making out with Kane." She groaned. "I'm scarred for life." I frowned at her words, not understanding how sight could scar a person. Clarke laughed at my expression. "You're cute when you're confused." She said.

"I'm the commander." I protested. "I am not cute."

"Whatever." Clarke shrugged, slipping off her boots and jacket. "I think you are." She sat on the bed across from me.

"We should sleep." I said, trying not to stare as she took off her shirt, her back facing me. She was wearing a thin singlet. I hadn't been sure what to do until now, so I followed her lead and took off my clothes until I was just in the singlet I had been given and some cotton shorts.

Clarke was wearing something similiar, and I could see her eyes raking over my body. She pulled the covers up and we got under them. Clarke turned the light out and for a moment everything was black. Then my eyes adjusted and I could see her shape in the darkness.

"Is this okay?" Clarke moved closer to me. "Because we can..."

"It's perfect." I whispered, before blindly reaching out and pulling her closer to me. Clarke sighed happily and snuggled into me. She faced away from me, her body curled into mine. I wrapped an arm around her stomach. 

"I love you." Clarke whispered in the darkness.

"I love you too Clarke." I said.

We fell asleep together, close in the night.


When I woke in the morning, Clarke was still asleep in my arms. Our legs were entwined together and she held one of my hands. I leaned my head forward and kissed her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered and then her eyes opened.

"Good morning." I whispered.

"Hey." She murmured back, her voice quiet from just waking up.

Clarke untangled her legs from mine and turned the other way, sitting up slighty. She looked at me for a moment before reaching over and placing one of her hands on the side of my face.

"You know what I realised?" She said. "You put on a mask for your people, your mask that says you're in control. That you're powerful and always strong."

"You changed that." I replied. "I was always taught that love is weakness. But now..."

"Hodnes nou laik kwelnes. (love is not weakness)" Clarke smiled. "Hodnes laik uf. (love is strength)"

I nodded, smiling at her. I had built up walls inside me when Costia died, and Clarke had broken them down. My people had probably noticed how much I had changed since I had met Clarke. Opposing clans would think me weak for loving, but I didn't care anymore.

Clarke leaned down to kiss me, breaking my train of thought. Her hair tickled my face as her lips pressed against mine. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her as close to me as I could.

"Hey Lexa?" She asked when we pulled back.

"Yes?" I reached up and traced my fingers against the side of her face.

"I love you." Clarke smiled sweetly.

"I love you too." I whispered back. "I will always love you, more than anything else in my life."

Clarke smiled again, and bent down to kiss me again.

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