Chapter Thirty-Two

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Lexas POV

No one spoke on the way to the Ark. When we arrived, the guards stiffened and one of them brought up his gun to point at me. Delphi stepped forward but I held up a hand, cautioning her. She relaxed slightly, but watched the guards the entire time.

I heard shouts of alarm from inside the gate at my approach, and I looked around, expecting Clarke to come running out to see what was going on. I couldn't see her anywhere. Scanning the crowd, I looked for her familiar blonde hair, but saw nothing.

Maybe she was busy.

"Commander." One of the  guards greeted me hesitantly, like he had been told to call me that but didn't want too. I nodded at him and then sighed. They would want me to take off all my weapons.

"Anya, Delphi." I murmured, taking off my sowrd sheath and motioning for them to do the same. There was no point arguing. After a second, my guards began to strip themselves of their weapons, looking extremelt uncomfortable to be doing so.

Once all our weapons lay on the ground, the guards nodded and opened the gate. We walked inside and I looke again for Clarke.

She wasn't anywhere.

"I need to find Clarke." I mumbled to Anya and Delphi. "She might be in her compartment."

They followed me through the Ark camp and through the main door. I was pretty sure I knew the way to Clarkes compartment, but just in case, I knocked when I arrived.

The door was pulled open instantly, like someone had been waiting just behind the door.

"Clarke thank..." Abby gasped, before realising that it was me. "Oh."

"Where is Clarke?" I asked, suddenly concerned.

"None of your business." Abby snapped, before trying to shut the door in my face. Anya stepped forward and blocked it with her foot.

"I suggest you answer the question or it might be a bad idea for you." Anya threatened, pulling aside her armour to reveal the one knife she hid from the guards. Abby's eyes widened and she beckoned to me.

I stepped inside her compartment and motioned with my hand for Anya and Delphi to stay outside. If it really came down to it, I could fight Abby with my bare hands.

The door closed, and Abby slumped into a chair.

"She's gone." Abby mumbled. "I don't know where she went. I thought she had gone to find you."

"What happened?"

"We fought, after you left. About you. Clarke tried to run away so she was locked up but someone helped her escape. She left at night, and a guard told me she left a message for me."

"What was the message?" I wanted to know.

"Why are you questioning me?"

"Because I'll go find her." I knew that Abby would relent if I said I would go find Clarke. If Clarke would come back or not though, it wasn't my choice.

"She didn't say anything as to where she was going. She just said that this is goodbye."

Abby was right, this didn't give us anything helpful to where Clarke could be. She could have been right, Clarke could have come to find me. We could have almost crossed paths.

Even if Clarke had come to find me, I'm sure she has another goal. Something else she desperately wants to do.

"Maun...Mount Weather!" I suddenly gasped, remembering to speak english. "She went back to Mount Weather!"

"Oh no." Abby whispered. "She'll get killed."

"I'll go after her." I stood and made for the door.

"Lexa." Abby's voice stopped me as I tried to push open the door. "If you ever hurt Clarke, I won't be held responsible for what happens to you."

I gritted my teeth and took every ounce of control in order to just leave. Anya and Delphi were waiting for me outside.

"We're going to Maun-de. (Mount Weather)." I said. "Don't come unless you want too. I cannot unsure your safety." I knew both of them would come anyway but it made me feel better to say it out loud.

They just nodded and followed me as I walked through the Ark and out of the main door.

Everyone gave us a wide berth as we walked again to the gate. I seemed to be coming and going from the Ark a lot, never staying long.

"Heda." Delphi murmured. "Why are we going to the mountain?"

"Because Clarke is there." That was all I said, and I heard Anya filling Delphi in behind me.

Our weapons that we had taken off at the gate still lay on the ground. Hurrying, I strapped on my weapons and waited impatiently for Anya and Delphi to finish. As we left, I nodded goodbye to the guards. They seemed shocked that I had paid attention to them, and I smiled to myself as we walked away.

Anya and Delphi weren't as fast as I was, and since I was bent on getting there as fast as I could, I was forced to slow down. Even then, the woods flew by quickly and it soon became dark. I didn't want to stop, but I knew we had too. If we made camp any closer, we could be found.

I sat on a log and tapped my foot against the ground, impatient and slightly scared.

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