Chapter Six

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Clarkes POV

I stepped forward when the Heda asked who was the leader. She looked very young to be a leader of twelve clans, but I suppose she was very skilled. As I walked forward, her eyes widened in surprise. I guess she wasn't expecting me to step forward. We evaluated each other for a short minute and my heart thumped loudly in my chest.

She was pretty, with flowing brown hair that was plaited on the top layer. Her armour was made of so many parts and a red sash hung from one shoulder guard. When I looked at her eyes, I saw that her eyes were a deep green - beautiful.

Hey eyes were also raking over me - evaluating me. When she looked up at me, her eyes softened the slightest bit.

Anya cleared her throat behind me and I remembered what I was supposed to do. I bowed my head and sank down onto my knees, not looking at her. Anya had told me over and over not to look at her while I was on my knees - it was a sign of respect that I looked down.

"Rise." The Heda said, stepping towards me. I got to my feet and she held out her arm. Following previous instructions from Anya, I clasped her arm as she did mine.

"Heda." Anya stepped forward as we let each other go. "This is Clarke Griffin, leader of the skai (sky) people." The Heda studied me for a second longer.

"Clarke. "My name is Lexa kom Trikru. You may call me Lexa, or Heda if you would prefer." I nodded, uncertain how to respond. "Would you introduce me to your companions?"

"Um, this is Wells Jaha, Finn Collins..." I stopped, not knowing Monty and Jasper's last names.

"Jasper Jordan." Jasper said. "And this is Monty Green." Lexa nodded and looked at Octavia.

"Blake." Octavia said. "Octavia Blake." She kept a serious face but I tried not to burst out laughing at the Bond reference. Jasper stifled his laugh and Monty nudged him, a smile on his face. Anya and Lexa looked at us, confused as to what was so funny.

"Heda?" Wells said hesitantly. "Um, why did you wish to speak with us." I turned to Lexa to hear her response.

"When there are new people on our land, I make it my responsibility to gather information on them and speak to their leader. Merely a precaution."

"What do you want to know about us?" I asked. Lexa looked at me and my heart thumped as she smiled at me.

"We want to learn about your technology - weapons, computers and other things. If possible, we can form an alliance or you could join one of my clans if you wish."

She was so straight to the point. She would have to be if she really ruled over twelve clans. 

"Yeah, but what if don't want anything to do with you and your stupid clans?" Octavia blurted out. Before she could move, Anya had pinned her against the wall and was holding a long dagger to her throat. Octavia's eyes were wide as she stared into the eyes of the person who was ready to kill her.

"Let her go!" I pleaded. "She didn't mean it." Anya ignored me and pressed the knife further into Octavia's throat. A thin line of blood appeared around the knfe and slid down her chest.

"Stand down!" Lexa ordered from behind me, and I sighed in relief when Anya glared and moved away. Octavia collapsed against the floor, holding her neck. I rushed over to her - the others making way for me since they knew I worked in medical.

"Let me." I told Octavia and she lifted her hand. The cut wasn't that deep so she was probably more in shock. "You're okay." I told her, reaching out a hand to help her up. She took it and looked at Anya as she stood - terrified.

"That was out of order." Finn said. "She didn't mean it."

"You insulted the Coalition." Anya fumed.

"No matter." Lexa butted in. "Anya, you will not harm any skai (sky) people without expressed permission." Anya grumbled.

"Sha (yes) Heda."

"You may go now Anya." Anya took one look at everyone, glared at Octavia, and left. Lexa seemed to visibly relax as Anya left. I turned to her.

"So, what do you want us to do?"

"Stay here for a few days, if you would allow it. If we are going to work together, I should train you, and you should teach me the ways of your people."

I nodded, it sounded like a fair deal.

"Okay, I'll stay. But I'll have to go back eventually." Lexa nodded.

"Clarke." Wells tugged on my arm. "You can't trust these people. They tried to kill Octavia!"

"Clarke will be safe here under my protection." Lexa stared at Wells with a level expression. "None of my warriors will harm her."

"It's okay." I mumbled.

"If you would prefer, Clarke." Lexa spoke just to me. "You could have one of your friends stay here with you." Finn and Wells instantly stepped forward.

"I'll stay." They both said at exactly the same time. Lexa looked between them and then back to me.

"You choose. In the meantime, I will stay in here to await your descision."

I took that as a dismissal, and motioned for everyone to exit the tent. Just before I left, I looked back at Lexa. She gave me a small smile before I ducked out. The guard that was at the door scrutinised me and then beckoned us to follow him. He must have been listening.

He led us to a ring of logs around a small dead fire. We sat down on the logs.

"I will be back in a while, for your descision." The guard said before walking away. He wasn't even our of earshot before everyone started talking over each other.

"We should leave, I dont trust them."

"Clarke you can't just stay here."

"I swear they just want to kill us."

"Okay!" I said loudly, silencing them. "Enough. I'm going to stay."

"Why though?" Finn asked.

"Because I think it's important to learn about these people that we didn't know existed."

"Sure Clarke." Octavia said. "But that's not the only reason, is it?"

"Huh?" I didn't know what she was getting at. Octavia laughed.

"Oh come on Clarke. We all saw how you looked at Lexa, how she looked at you. You totally have the hots for her!" I opened my mouth to argue but nothing came out.

"Octavia, that has nothing to do with it." Wells saved me. "Even..." He looked at me sadly. "Even if it's true. What's important is that we make peace with these people. They can probably kill us all."

"Exactly." Finn said. "Clarke stays with one of us. We can always leave..." He trailed off, unsure if he was right.

"Doesn't matter. I'm staying, but who's staying with me."

"That's your choice. I volunteered, as well as Jaha over there." 

"Um." I looked between Wells and Finn. "Wells, I'm... I think you should go back."

Wells looked stunned, as if it was unexpected that I wanted him to be safe. His mouth opened to protest but it fell shut again. He nodded, agreeing with me. I would stay with Finn.

I nodded and was about to say something but was cut off my a sharp crack behind me. We all twisted around to see what it was.

A figure emerged from the trees, holding a gun.

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