Chapter Nine

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Clarkes POV

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

Those words rang in my head, repeating over and over again. I quickly dropped Lexas hand and opened my mouth to protest.

"She's not my girlfriend Luna." Lexa beat me to it, blushing a deep red.

"Yet." The woman - Luna - stated, pulling up another stool and sitting next to me. "So, who are you?" She asked me.

"Um, I'm Clarke Griffin. I'm..."

"She's the skai (sky) peoples leader." Lexa explained. "Clarke, this is my sister Luna. She is the leader of Floukru." I assumed Floukru was one of the twelve clans that Lexa ruled over.

"Ohh a skai (sky) girl. Everyone's heard about you and your gang." Luna looked impressed.

She looked at Lexa, as if suddenly noticing the long cut along her stomach.

"Strisis (little sister) what happened?" Luna asked. I frowned and Lexa picked up on it.

"Strisis means little sister Clarke." She explained. "I will teach you our language if you wish." I nodded, I wanted to know everything about these people. "It was a training accident. I was swordfighting with Tomac." She told Luna. Luna tutted.

"Dear me Lexa. You will have to be more careful if you wish to stay alive." I suspect she was only half joking. Lexa sighed.

"I will try, biga sis (older sister)." Luna nodded and stood again. 

"I'll leave you two alone then. Take care of my strisis (little sister) Clarke."

Luna gave me a stern look and then left. I heard the guard outside ask Luna some questions and her respond in a voice that sounded like she was trying not to laugh. Lexa groaned and I whipped around, ready to help.

"I am very sorry for that Clarke." She said. "Luna has no respect for privacy."

I fought off a smile and nodded instead. Lexa lay back fully on the table and breathed out a long sigh.

"Does it hurt?" I asked and she hesitated. "Lexa, there's nothing wrong with feeling pain." I reassured her. She seemed to be the kind of person that wouldn't admit it hurt if one of her arms had been chopped off.

"I think I would feel that Clarke. Ones arms are very important." Lexa said, and I realised that I had spoken aloud. "Okay, it hurts a bit." I saw how hard it was for her to admit this.

"Don't worry Heda." I whispered as I found the pain medicine lying on the other table. "I won't tell anyone." She smiled and whispered a thank you. As I was helping her sit up, Gustus came in. He looked Lexa up and down and then turned to me.

"Your friends have left. The one you call Finn has remained behind."

"Do they have a tent to stay in during their stay?" Lexa asked from behind me.

Gustus moved around me and stodd next to the table.

"Sha (yes) Heda. We have set up their tent opposite yours."

Lexa looked at me around Gustus, looking worried that I wouldn't be okay with having a tent close to her. I nodded that it was fine and she relaxed and nodded at Gustus.

"Mochof (thank you) Gustus."

"Pro (you're welcome) Heda."

I looked between them, extremely confused. They were talking in their own language again, but I guess I'll learn that in time.

Gustus gave me a grateful look before leaving. I looked back at Lexa and she looked far away in her own world. I sighed, and leaned back on my stool.


Lexas POV

When Gustus left, I didn't pay attention to anything that was going on. I was deep in my own thoughts.

I knew that my feelings for Clarke would only continue to grow if I let them. To protect her, I should distance myself from her as much as I could. It would hurt, but it was better than her ending up like Costia.


Her face flickered behid my eyelids and I shook my head. I swore that Clarke would never end up like her. The Azplana (Ice Queen) would not get to me again.

"Lexa?" Clarke asked. I must look insane. I opened my eyes.

"My name is Heda." I said coldly. The pain in her eyes was instant and I immediately felt bad. But I had to protect her.

"Sorry, Heda." She mumbled. "I should go."

I watched her walk fast out of the door, looking like she was barely holding off tears. A guard came in soon after as I beckoned him over.

"I will go to my tent now" I informed him. "Please have Nyko come as soon as he is free." The guard nodded as I swung my legs over the egde of the table and stood up. I felt a wave of dizziness but fought it off.

Pulling on the armour that lay on the floor, I strode out of the door and started heading towards my tent. In the distance I could see Clarke, standing outside her tent with Finn. She looked like she was crying. I bit my lip but tried to ignore her as much as possible.

I walked right past her to enter my tent, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Finn glare at me over Clarkes head, which was buried in his shirt. I wanted so much to be the one to comfort her, but I must do what I had sworn to do.

"Heda." The guard posted outside my tent greeted me as I walked past. Nodding at him, I entered my tent and let the flap fall closed behind me. My tent was smaller than the one that held my throne, but still the largest in the camp.

Through the thin walls, I could hear Finn murmuring to Clarke. Then their footsteps faded away, their voices fading with them.

My guards spoke quietly outside, and I managed to catch the essence of the conversation. They were discussing the state of the skai (sky) girl and what might be wrong with her. I grited my teeth and forced myself to shut their voices out.

I would not allow my feelings to overcome me at any point, not anymore. For they skai (sky) people - especially Clarke - I would not be Lexa. I would be Heda, no matter what.

"Heda?" I heard Anya's voice from just outside. "May I come in?"

"Sha (yes)." I called back. Anya appeared in the doorway and took in my crumbling state. She could always see what I was feeling, no matter the mask I tried to put in place.

"Le...Heda." She said, cutting herself off. Anya always sensed when she should call me by my formal name. "Clarke and Finn need to be trained. In our language, in fighting. Who should be the one to train them?"

"If you would be willing Anya." I said. "You could train them." 

Anya's eyes widened in surprise at my request. She had never trained anyone before, but I trusted her to teach them our language and even how to fight. They would need it if they wanted to survive down here.

"Sha (yes) Heda." Anya eventually said. "I will train these skai (sky) people."

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