Chapter Eleven

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Lexas POV

I heard it when Anya decided to wake up Clarke and Finn. She must have used her water technique, because I heard cries of outrage and complaints about being wet. I made myself stay in my tent until I heard two sets of footsteps start running and then fade away.

"Heda?" One of my guards asked for entry.

"Enter." I allowed, and watched as she came in. This was a guard I recognised - Delphi. She had been my escort when I went to the market in Polis. 

"Hello Heda." Delphi smiled. "It's been too long."

"It has." I agreed. "What are you doing here?"

"I was sent here because they wanted another guard back in Polis." She explained, stepping forward and holding out her arm. I took her arm and we grasped forearms. "I was here to tell you that Nyko is back, he wants to see you."

"Of course." Delphi stepped aside as I moved around her and headed for the door. She followed me, only two paces behind as was custom for a guard escorting the Heda. When I arrived at Nykos tent, she stationed herself at the entrance and nodded for me to go in.

I pushed open the flap in front of the door and entered. Nyko was bending over a table of herbs in one corner, and looked up as I came in.

"Heda." He greeted me. "I am so sorry I was not availabe to help you yesterday. How are you?" 

"I am fine mochof (thank you). Clar...the leader of the skai (sky) people knows medicine. She helped."

"May I have a look at the wound?" He asked. I nodded and then took off the armour that covered it. When I rolled up my shirt slightly to reveal the cut, Nyko looked away as if he was not allowed to look.

"It is okay Nyko." I reassure him. He looked back, his expression uncomfortable.

He reached out a hand and carefully unwrapped the bandages that were wrapped around my stomach. The wound had set slightly overnight but I could tell that any physical effort would set it bleeding again.

"The sitches are done very well." Nyko commented. "I don't think there is anything I can do. Only time will heal it now."

"Ait (alright)." I said. "Mochof (thank you) Nyko."

"Pro (you're welcome) Heda." Nyko reached for a fresh bandage and wrapped the wound again. I pulled a small deerskin pouch from my pocket and opened the drawstrings. Onto the table, I tipped a small handful of coins. Nyko did not object, though I knew he wanetd too.

"Leidon (goodbye) Nyko. Mochof (thank you) again."

I left the tent and found Delphi outside. She was staring over towards the woods. When I followed her gaze I saw that Anya, along with Clarke and Finn, was sitting on the ring of logs. She was probably teaching them our language.

"Are those the skai (sky) people Heda?" Delphi asked.

"Sha (yes)." I replied. Not wanting to talk about it, I started walking.

"Heda!" Someone behind me called. Clarke must have heard this, and she straightened up and looked at me. I stared back until she dropped her gaze, her face reddening slightly. When I turned, I saw Tomac coming towards me.

"Hello Tomac." I greeted him as he came closer.

"Heda." He gasped. His breathing was fast, like he had been running a while to find me. "Gustus would not let me near you. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I am fine Tomac. Please tell Gustus that you are to be spared of any punishment."

"He will not believe me Heda."

"Give him this." I dropped my deerskin pouch in Tomacs hand. I had the only deerskin puch in this village, so Gustus would know that I was sending him a message.

"Mochof (thank you) Heda. I am so sorry, again." Tomac nodded his head at me and then walked back the way he had come. When I looked back at Clarke, I saw that she was looking away, listening to Anya.

Finn was looking at me. I couldn't quite see his expression from here but I could see it when he shook his head and turned away. I bit my lip, I hated having them hate me.

"You have feelings Heda." Delphi said, coming up on my left side. "I have not seen you like this since Costia...passed." 

"It is not your place to tell me my feelings." I snapped, frustrated that she had noticed. Delphi took a step back in surprise. I had never been so harsh on her before.

"Moba (sorry) Heda. I did not mean to pry."

I nodded, a sharp jerk of my head. It wasn't her fault that I was so wound up, and I felt bad for snapping at her. Being near Clarke was bad for her, and this thought is what made me move. I strode right past her without even glancing her way and entered my tent.

Alone again, I leant against the side of my bed and breathed out a long, heavy sigh. This could not continue. I was drawn to Clarke like a magnet, if she was anywhere near me I would begin to act foolishly. There was only one thing for me to do.

I had to go back to Polis, and stay there until Clarke and her people were far away.

This was to protect her.

That was my descision, now I had to make sure that I stuck to it. Once I was back in Polis it would be very easy to distract myself. Perhaps I would trian the Natblidas (nightbloods).

"You can't go in there." A guard suddenly said outside. I jumped at the loudness of his voice. There was a murmured response and a sharp order from the other guard to leave. The voice that wasn't my guard suddenly rose in volume but I still couldn't tell who it was.

"Leave." The guard commanded again. I knew that I should step in, to see who wanted to see me, but I didn't want too. I wanted to be alone.

"Please." The person asked, and I stood up straight.

It was Clarke.

Without stopping to think twice, I walked fast to the door of the tent and spoke to my guards.

"Let her enter!" I ordered. I stepped back a few paces and then the tent flap opened. I could see Finn's surprised face behind my guards, but my attention was pulled to Clarke.

"Heda." She greeted me, letting the flap fall closed behind her.

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