Chapter Thirty-One

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Clarkes POV

The guard crumpled to the floor, blood slowly dripping out of the bullet wound in his head and forming a puddle on the floor.

"Clarke, why did you..." Wells gasped, staring at what I'd done.

"Because he would have raised the alarm if I let him go." I shrugged and turned away. "Why? Did you want him to live? To live so he can help the people who want to kill you?"

Without waiting for an answer, I walked past him and stepped up onto a table. Everyone stared at me.

"Um, hi." I said. "Sorry for that." I motioned to the body near the door.  "But we have to leave, now. They want our blood, and they will forcefully take it."

"Why?" Someone called out.

"How should I know?" I snapped. "Do you want to stay and die?" There was silence. "That's what I thought. Anyway, I'll explain it on the way. But if you don't want to die, follow me."

I stopped talking and jumped from the table. Wells was the first one to fall into step behind me, followed by Octavia, Bellamy, Monty, Jasper and Finn. Everyone else hesitantly followed, and when I looked back, I saw that every last person had chosen to follow me.

We wound back down the hallways that I had come from, luckily I had memorised the way. I guessed we were about halfway back when a team of five guards found us. They shouted at us to stop, but I shot them one by one.

They fell ontop of each other, and I led everyone over the bodies. No one spoke to me as I held open the door into what I had named the Blood room. When everyone was inside, I pointed to the door that led to the tunnel.

"Go down the tunnel and folow the footprints. Make sure you stick to them. You should find the Ark within half a day."

"The Ark?" Someone yelled. "It's on the ground?"

"Yes, but I don't have time to explain. Go."

Everyone filed out of the room, throwing me grateful glances. A handful of people hung back, including Finn, Wells, Octavia, Bellamy, Jasper, Monty, and another girl I didn't know.

"I'm Harper." She said when she noticed my confused look. I nodded, and then looked at everyone else.

"What are you guys waiting for? Just go." I said, motioning for them to leave.

"We're waiting for you Clarke." Wells mumbled. I sighed.

"I'm not coming with you." I said. "I'm going back, to shut this place down. We can't face them anymore."

"I'm coming then." Finn stepped forward. 

I looked at him, and them remembered something that could make him go with the others.

"Go Finn." I told him. "Raven's at the Ark." I remember Raven being really interested about Finn, so maybe they were together or something. I didn't really care, I just wanted them gone. They might try to stop me with the last part of my plan.

"Raven?" HIs eyebrows shot up. "Really?" I nodded and he smiled, but hesitated. "I still want to stay."

"Same." Monty, Harper and Octavia said.

"Me too." Bellamy, Jasper and Wells said.

I gritted my teeth and glared at them all.

"You're all leaving. I won't let you get killed because of me."

I saw them all hesitate, torn. This was good. I kept talking.

"Monty, your mother asked for you. I've seen her, she misses you. Octavia, I saw Lincoln." Bellamy looked at Octavia.

"Who's Lincoln?" He asked. Octavia squirmed. 

"Please, just leave." I pleaded. Most of them nodded, and came to hug me before they left. I watched everyone but Wells step out of the door and started running, probably to catch up with the others.

Wells folded his arms and looked at me.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said, and I sighed. 

"Your dad..."

"You can't guilt me into leaving Clarke." He cut me off. "What if I'm staying because I care omre about you than my dad?"

I opened my mouth to respond but snapped it shut again. I had no argument for him, and he knew it.

"Idiot." I mumbled, and Wells grinned. We headed back into the hallway, and I handed him a gun. "Please tell me you know how to use this."

"Well, did you know how to use one when you picked it up?"

I didn't respond, I hadn't known. But it was pretty self explanatory. Wells gave me a smug smile and I shoved his shoulder.

"Enough, let's go."

Now that I had saved my friends, I had a new target. There had to be a reason that the people lived underground with sealed doors. My guess - they couldn't survive in the open world. So I was going to open their doors and take them out as an enemy. We couldn't fight them ithout many dying. 

It scared me that I was thinking like this, like a murderer. But I didn't care anymore.

"Clarke?" Wells asked nervously behind me. "What are we actually doing?"

"We're going to open all of the sealed doors." That was all I gave him. He thought about this for a while as I peeked around a corner to make sure it was clear.

"You mean, we're going to kill them all?" He suddenly gasped, getting it.

"Shh!" I motioned. Around the corner, a guard had heard the noise. I froze, waiting for more. None came.

Poking just my gun around the edge of the wall, I aimed and then pulled back on the trigger. There was a banging sound, and the gaurd dropped to the floor and didn't get back up.

At the sound, more guards started flooding into the hallway, mostly holding guns.

"Wells." I mumbled. "Just shoot as many as you can."

"Clarke I..."

"Do you want to die?"

Wells shook his head and then grasped the gun tightly. When the first guards came around the corner and saw us, Wells shut the first one in the chest without even thinking. He stood over the man he just killed, looking bewildered.

"Get down!" I shrieked, running at him and tackling him to the floor. Gunfire rang over our heads and I rolled off Wells, trying to shoot from the ground.

Firing blindly, I shot guard after guard, until there were no more to come after us. No doubt, somone would have heard the shots and raised the alarm, so I pulled Wells by the arm and we ran.

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