Chapter Forty-Four

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Lexas POV

It wasn't too long before Clarke returned, her happy face showing me that they had found Octavia. She sat on the edge of my bed and then looked at Charlotte.

"Do you mind giving us a minute?" She asked. "I have to talk to Lexa about something." Charlotte nodded and then hopped up. She looked at me before she walked out.

"I hope you get better." She stated, before hobbling out of the tent. Clarke turned to me, and that's when I realised that I had a big smile on my face. I straightened my expression but Clarke laughed.

"You like Charlotte don't you." She grinned, and I nodded. "She's a good kid."

"A little intense." I said. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Clarke frowned but also tried to hide a small smile.

"Do you know a warrior called Lincoln?" She asked.

"Sure." I shrugged. "He's one of my best. I haven't seen him for a while though. Some people say he was taken by the Maunon. (mountain men)."

Clarke shook her head at that and I sighed in relief. Lincoln had been a valuable warrior, and I would hate to have to replace him.

"No, he's fine. It turns out that he and Octavia are...a thing." I frowned at her words, not understanding what she meant.

"What does a thing mean?" I asked, when after a minute of thinking, I still didn't get it. Clarke giggled and turned slightly pink.

" us. A couple."

"Oh!" At that, I was surprised. Many women from Trikru admired Lincoln, but he had never showed any interest in anybody. "She must have made quite the impression on him."

"You could say that." Clarke traced one of her fingers mindlessly over my hand. "That's where Octavia was today, out in the woods with Lincoln."

"Were they hunting?" 

"Umm, no. They were in a cave. I don't really want to know what they were doing in there to be honest." I got that, and bit back a laugh. Lincoln really had broken out of his shell. Clarke smiled at me, her sapphire eyes looking lovingly into mine. Her gaze made me forget what I was about to say.

Clarke smiled as she saw the longing in my eyes, and leaned forward. I wrapped a careful arm around her neck - careful not to tug on my cuts - and kissed her back deeply. Clarke leaned over me so that I didn't have to sit up, and her hair made a thin curtain around us.

The ends of her hair curled around my face and I smiled as it tickled slightly. Clarke wouldn't touch me anywhere but my face in fear of hurting me now, but I slipped my hands under her jacket and curled my arms around her back. She shivered at my touch but didn't pull away.

I sighed happily, and heard Clarke whisper my name in response. She said my name the way that no one else did, with a loving tone that I had only heard once before in my life.

"As much as you guys are enjoying yourselves." I heard Ravens voice. "Please stop." Clarke lifted her head and turned to look at Raven, who was leaning on a table only metres away. Neither of us had heard her come in.

As if to make a point, Clarke leant back down and kissed me again. I smiled against her lips and heard Raven groan dramatically. Her voice shut of quickly, and Clarke sat up fast, as if alerted to something.

Abby was standing in the tent door, and she didn't look too happy. I almost groaned as she looked at me. 

"I swear, everytime we kiss someone walks in." Clarke mumbled under her breath as her omtehr approached. She was right, and it was starting to slightly annoy me.

"Clarke." Abby said, as if she were holding herself back from telling us off. "We need to make a plan for what to do with Finn." Clarke sighed.

"I know, but I don't know."

"What would your people do?" Abby turned to me, surprising me. 

"Well, for kidnapping and torturing Heda, normally it would be a long process. Burning, cuts, many forms of torture. It's brutal, I won't lie."

Everyone in the room was staring at me in horror. I knew that our way was harsh, but it had been our way since the first Heda. Natblidas (nightbloods) were precious, and the harm of one would bring torture and death.

"Well, we'll talk about that later." Abby eventually stuttered, unnerved by my explanation. "The council was thinking more in the form of imprisonment or something similiar."

Clarke was watching me, and I knew she hated to have this conversation. Before this, Finn had been her friend, and I knew she would hate to have him punished.

"I don't know." Clarkes voice broke and I resisted the urge to reach out to her. "I don't want him to die. But he does deserve something for what he did." Abby nodded and then I saw a tear escape from Clarkes eye and roll down her cheek.

I reached out without hesitation and took her hand, not caring when Abby frowned. Clarke quickly wiped the tear away and looked at me.

"Ai hod yu in. (I love you)" I said, and Clarke smiled. I knew Abby couldn't understand me, so I felt safe saying it.

"What did you say?" Abby asked, looking between us.

"I'll tell you later." Clarke said, before speaking to me. "Ai hod yu in seintaim. Mochof. (I love you too. Thank you)" Abby frowned but let it go. 

"Maybe, we should discuss this issue with the council later." She said, and Clarke nodded gratefully. "I need to go, but I'll find a time when we can speak to them."

"Okay." Clarke said, and we watched Abby leave.

"So, what does it mean?" Raven asked. Clarke and I both looked at her in confusion. "What you both said, in your language." She nodded at me. Clarke and I blushed and neither of us answered. Raven made a face. "Don't tell me it's something really bad is it?"

Clarke and I looked at each other, and seemed to silently agree not to tell her.

"It's nothing Raven." Clarke shrugged. "Doesn't matter."

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