Chapter Thirty-Four

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Lexas POV

We were up early the next morning, and made our way to the edge of the forest where I could see one of the huge sealed doors. The other was on the other side of the mountain.

"How are we going to get in?" Anya asked from behind me. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I just know that I have too. Maybe we should..."

Before I finished talking, there was a loud creaking sound. I looked back to the mountain to see that the huge door was slowly falling open. I blinked, but didn't question it. It could be a trap, but I was going in anyway.

Having no idea what I was running into, I sprinted across the short field and slipped into Maun-de (mount weather). I heard Anya curse behind me but then two sets of footsteps. They slipped in behind me and followed as I sprinted down the long room.

I pulled open a door and walked into the heart of the mountain. The hallways were almost blindingly white, but there was no one around. I looked around, expecting a hoard of guards to pour in, but there was no one.

"Somethings up." Delphi said, and I nodded. But I didn't care. I wanted to find Clarke. If I knew her at all, she would want to be in the centre of everything. At their command centre. Maybe they had a map somewhere that would tell me where that was.

I saw a sign on the wall that said we were on level four. That meant nothing to me.

Opening a nearby door, I sucked in a breath at the sight that was spread out before me. Guards were everywhere, but they were dead. Just them I remembered the sudden opening of the doors.

Clarke had opened the doors to let the radiation in.

Stepping over mutilated bodies, I aimed for what looked like a map lying on on of the tables. It was a map, with everything helpfully labelled. I scopped it up and rejoined Anya and Delphi in the hallway, closing the door on the gruesome sight.

"I want to get to their command centre." I told Delphi, handing her the map. Delphi was an expert in maps, and I knew she would get us there faster than I could. She studied the map for a minute.

"Here?" She asked pointing to a room. I moved closer to see the room labelled 'Control'. I nodded, that sounded the same. We headed off down the corridor with Delphi leading.

I knew I had to be patient, but my heart ached for me to make sure Clarke was okay. 

"Branwoda. (foolish)" I whispered to myself. This early on, I knew I shouldn't care for Clarke so much. But it was no ones fault but mine that I did.

"Did you say something Heda?" Anya asked.

"No." I replied. We continued down hallways, Delphi staring down at the map the entire time. When we turned around another corner, I recoiled at the sight of a man on the ground.

As we got closer I could see that he was old, with greying hair. He had the radiation boils all over him, and his body was stained a dark red. I shuddered, however many times I saw this, it never failed to shock me.

"Heda." Delphi said. "We're here." She motioned to the door and on the wall next to it I could see the word 'Control' clearly stamped out on a board.

"Mochof (thank you) Delphi." I thanked her.

"Wait." Anya threw out a hand to stop me as I made to open the door. "I can hear someone inside." When I didn't react to these words Anya rolled her eyes. "Someone unfamiliar." She explained.

This time I stopped moving and waited, by ear pressed to the door. From the room, I could hear somone sobbing, and someones muffled voice comforting the sad person. The person who was crying I didn't know if I knew but I definetely didn't recognise the second voice.

I stayed there for a minute before something moved. Then, there was another voice. They seemed to be apologising, but I could barely hear them through the door. Then there were some scuffling sounds that made me think somone was coming towards the door. I jerked back, ready to fight, but nothing happened.

Anya reached for the door handle.

"I'll go first." She said, and I nodded. Anya twisted the handle and pushed the door open, her sword at the ready. No attack came. I suddenly heard someone gasp in horror, one word that turned my blood cold.

"Clarke!" A male voice cried, sounding terrified. I stepped into the doorframe and almost tripped over the frame in surprise.

It was the control room, but that wasn't what was so horrifying. A man, or maybe a young boy stood facing us. He was dark skinned, and was wearing clothes similiar to the ones they wore here inside the mountain. His eyes met mine and he looked confused.

There was a girl standing infront of him, a girl with shocking red hair. Too red, not natural. She was holding a gun to her head. Suddenly, I recognised the girls clothes.

"Clarke!" I cried out, but it was too late. I heard the click, saw the twitch of her finger.

She had pulled the trigger.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The boy rushed towards her, his mouth stretched open in a wide yell. Anya and Delphi both jumped infront of me, shielding me incase anything happened. I screamed out Clarkes name, a high pitched yell that rang through all the noise in the room.

But nothing happened.

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