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~Days later~

“That is a terrible idea. Hermione, please tell them it’s a terrible idea,” Jasmine said, following the twins into the Great Hall. Hermione began ranting to the twins about how bad of an idea their plan was only to be brushed off by the twins, who shook their vials of aging potion that they had concocted themselves, hoping to age themselves so that they could compete.

“Ready, Fred?” George asked.

“Ready, George,” Fred said. Both boys opened their vials and linked arms.

“Bottoms up,” they both said, downing their potions. Jasmine shook her head, watching the two cross the age line, earning applause from other students.

“This is going to end badly,” Jasmine said, watching the two with her arms crossed.

“What makes you say that?” Jasmine turned to see Cedric standing beside her. “Not that I don’t agree.”

“Because most of their ideas end badly,” Jasmine said, before stepping back as the goblet of fire began to glow and spit fire, sending the twins out of the age line, their red hair now a snowy white and their bare faces buried under scraggly beards. “Oh no...why am I always right...?” she muttered.

“You said!” George said angrily.

“You said!” Fred said angrily, before the two got into a small scuffle. The rest of the students who were watching laughed at them. Jasmine shook her head and walked over to the two.

“Merlin’s beard you two, break it up!” Jasmine said sternly, pulling the two apart. “Let’s go. I can probably fix this before class starts. Harry, Ron, both of you better not be tardy again, or you will answer to me.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ron and Harry said, watching Jasmine drag the twins out of the Great Hall, lecturing them as she did. “Your aunt is something, Harry.”

“That she is,” Harry agreed.

~Later that day~

“Is Neville okay? He’s been acting strange,” Jasmine stated, sitting on the couch with Fred and George as well as the trio.

“He had a hard time in class today. Professor Moody made him a little uncomfortable today,” Ron said.

“Moody was teaching us about the three unforgivable curses...one of them being the Cruciatus curse,” Hermione said.

“Oh...that man needs some serious help. I have never seen a teacher drink on the job, especially not as much as he does,” Jasmine said.

“Who do you think signed up?” Ron asked, wanting to change the subject. “For the tournament I mean.”

“I know for sure Diggory signed up. His friends seem to egg him on a lot in potions class. Snape had to send a few of them to detention,” Jasmine said.

“Seems like you have caught Cedric’s eye, Jasmine,” Hermione said, teasing her a little.

“Only because I’m a Potter,” Jasmine said. “I catch quite a few eyes here at Hogwarts.”

“Yeah, but he seems almost love struck when he’s looking at him,” Hermione said. This made Fred get up and grab his textbooks.

“George and I are going to go finish this up in our room. We’ll see you guys later,” he said, heading up to their room to finish up their homework.

“What was that about?” Hermione asked.

“Don’t know. Fred seems to act strange every time I talk about other boys wanting to speak to me,” Jasmine said.

“He’s probably scared of you leaving him and George. You guys did grow a bond over the summer,” Ron said.

“I guess so,” Jasmine said, shrugging a little. She saw Neville walk into the common room and wanted to check on him. “Hey, Neville, you okay?”

“Oh, hey, Jasmine. Yeah, I’m feeling a little better. I just came to drop my things off. I’ll be in the library,” Neville said, heading upstairs.

“Okay, then,” Jasmine said, playing with Harry’s hair.

“You’re doing it again,” Harry said, looking up at Jasmine.

“Sorry, I can’t help it. Your hair is fluffy,” Jasmine said, pulling her hand away.

“It’s fine,” Harry said, going back to reading his text book for transfiguration class. The four of them continued to talk and did their work for their classes. Afterward, they went their separate ways, Jasmine taking a stroll around the school, and the trio talking about the tournament, which Harry didn’t seem too interested in.

~Time Skip~

“We will be naming our champions now!” Dumbledore announced, pulling names out of the goblet of fire. Cedric was the champion of Hogwarts, followed by Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, and Viktor Krum from Durmstrang. “And these are our three champions,” he called, before the goblet’s flames changed color, catching his attention. Another piece of paper flew out, followed by another, both seeming identical. Dumbledore caught both of them, before staring at them, his confused face contorting into a mortified expression. “Potters...” he said quietly. Jasmine looked at Dumbledore, feeling everyone stare at her and Harry. “Harry and Jasmine Potter!” he yelled, sounding slightly angry. Jasmine flinched slightly and got up quickly, along with Harry. She took Harry’s hand, mainly to calm her own nerves, and walked up to the front of the Great Hall, keeping her head down. For a beautiful girl like Jasmine, she really hated being the center of attention, especially in large crowds. Both Jasmine and Harry walked up to Dumbledore, before walking past the teachers, and joining the rest of the champions. Jasmine finally looked up, seeing the students stare at them. “Well here are our champions,” Dumbledore said, still seeming distraught. Students began to slowly applaud, the tension growing as the five students stood in front of the crowd.

“I had no idea you signed up,” Cedric whispered to Jasmine.

“I didn’t. Neither me nor Harry put our names in that goblet. Someone had to have set us up,” Jasmine whispered to Cedric, who gave her a look of confusion. “Believe me or not, but it’s true,” Cedric nodded and looked at the students.

~Minutes later~

“I cannot believe this is happening. How is this happening? Why is this happening?” Jasmine asked, pacing back and forth, before Dumbledore rushed up to Harry.

“Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?” he asked urgently.

“No, sir,” Harry said nervously as Dumbledore grabbed his arms.

“Did you ask an older student?” Dumbledore asked urgently.

“He didn’t, sir,” Harry repeated, sounding even more nervous at the sudden interrogation.

“Neither of us did. Someone else put our names in that goblet, and whoever did it is trying to get us killed,” Jasmine said, hoping to get Dumbledore to stop manhandling her nephew. Dumbledore calmed down a little and walked off to try to disperse the argument that was going on between the visiting headmasters.

“Jasmine, what are we going to do?” Harry asked.

“We don’t have a choice...we may have to compete,” Jasmine said, looking at Harry.

“But...” Harry began.

“Just keep your guard up, Harry. It could have been anyone who put our names in,” Jasmine said.

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