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~Later that Day~

Jasmine sat in the library, looking for spells that could help her underwater.

“Nothing...” she said with a sigh. She closed the book and looked through another book. When she found nothing that would help her she sighed in frustration.

“Maybe I can make my own spell...” Jasmine said quietly. Jasmine put her books away before picking up an English to Latin translation book. She walked up to the librarian to check out the book.

“Oh, learning some Latin I see,” the librarian said.

“Yes, ma’am. I thought it was time I learned a secondary language. If I want to study abroad when I graduate I need to start studying now,” Jasmine said, earning a smile from the librarian.

“That’s lovely dear. Well good luck, bring it back when you’re done or need another one,” the librarian said.

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you,” Jasmine said, smiling back. She carried the book out of the library and headed to the stairs that led up to the Gryffindor common room. On her way there she ran into Moody, making her look up at him. Moody’s eye wandered to her book in her hand.

“Latin. Good choice. Be careful with your pronunciation. You wouldn’t want to conjure up a spell that you can’t get rid of,” Moody said.

“Yes, Professor,” Jasmine said, sliding past him, still keeping eye contact. She made her way up the stairs, still feeling his gaze on her. ‘It’s like he knows what I’m up to,’ she thought, walking up the stairs. She made her way inside the common room, meeting the trio inside. “Oh, hey guys. What are you three up to?”

“Nothing. Harry is trying to think up a strategy for the next round,” Hermione said, before eyeing the book in Jasmine’s hands. “You’re learning Latin? That’s new.”

“Yeah, I’m trying to pick up another hobby while I have the time,” Jasmine said, obviously lying. Hermione squinted at her before gasping a little.

“You’re trying to make a spell,” Hermione said. “That’s against the rules.”

“It will keep me from drowning,” Jasmine said. “And when was that against the rules?”

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Ron asked.

“It’s very dangerous. You can’t go through with this, Jasmine,” Hermione said.

“I’ll be fine. If I can battle a dragon, I’m sure I can create a spell,” Jasmine said.

“No you can’t! Harry, stop her,” Hermione urged, looking at Harry.

“Her mind is made up. You’re wasting your time,” Harry said, not looking up from his textbook. “You're better off trying to convince house elves that being free is good for them.”

“Exactly. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go work on this. And have either of you seen Fred and George?” Jasmine asked.

“Not since this morning, but I'm sure they'll turn up eventually,” Harry said.

“Maybe they're giving Filch a hard time,” Ron said.

“Of course. Well if they come looking for them, tell them nothing,” Jasmine said, heading up to the girl's dormitory, which was empty at the moment. She sat on her bed, setting the book and her wand down on the bed in front of her. She opened the book and looked through it. After a while she finally found what she was looking for. “Okay.” She wrote the word down on a piece of scrap paper she had close by, and looked for a word that would possibly be the counter-spell. “Okay, let’s hope this works...”

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