1. Moving in

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Three sunrises after your wedding day and it was finally the day where you and husband Yoongi were going to move into the new house. The two of you had been planning this many months. Excitement was bottling up until now, where it could all be released.

"Good morning, love." Yoongi mumbled whilst admiring your face. You faced him and smiled.

"Today's the day!" You chuckled in excitement.
The brown haired male sat up and pulled you along with him.

"Come on, we have to get ready to leave."

"This place has so many memories, guess we'll have to make new ones then."

Suddenly, Yoongi leaned closer to your ear until you could feel him breathing against your skin, giving you goosebumps.

"Memories? Oh, you mean like the first time we did it-"

"Yah you naughty boy!" You shouted and playfully hit his arm. He made a fake crying face before finally leaving the bed to go freshen up.

Time skip

All of your belongings and other necessities were loaded and packed up. The only thing left to do now was to say goodbye to your home. You and Yoongi exited the house hand in hand and sat in the car. As he reversed the car out of the driveway, you took one last look at the house before it was out of sight.

The car journey had taken around two hours and thirty minutes until you finally arrived at your destination. Your eyes landed on the new house. Immediately, you fell in love with it!

The new house was located near the countryside/outskirts of the city as it was surrounded by nature, trees and beautiful green fields. You unbuckled your seat belt and got out of the car. Stretching your legs and arms, you admired the view until another voice interrupted you. 

"Baby, can you help me with this?" Yoongi groaned as he held two heavy bags.
You nodded in response and took one of the bags, taking them to the front doorstep of the house.

"Ooh I'm excited!" You exclaimed, placing your hand on the gold door handle.

The male chuckled, "I can tell, cutie."

The front door opened, revealing the interior of the house. You gasped at how lovely it was.

 "Oh wooow, I already love it!"

Yoongi shut the door and switched the light on, illuminating some dark corners. 

"Yoongs I'm gonna look around."

He nodded as you strolled away into the different rooms and hallways. After making your way upstairs, you found yourself standing in front of an open door. Looking inside, you could see an old pink chair and a desk standing next to it. The room seemed like it had previously belonged to a little girl since there were a few old vintage dolls scattered randomly. Although the room was cute, you felt a weird vibe and decided to leave the room. 

You walked down the stairs and suddenly missed a step. Shutting your eyes waiting for the impact of the ground, you peeked your left eye open in confusion as you did not feel anything. Instead, you saw the face of Yoongi.

"Caught you honey~" He teased, making your cheeks turn into tomatoes. 

"Y-yah thanks.."

Yoongi yawned which made you glance at one of the clocks which hung into the wall. 
10:45 PM already! 

"Come on, let's go to bed, it's late." You grabbed your husband's hand and pulled him to the bedroom. The two of you changed clothes and sunk into the bed. You lay your head on his chest as he stroked your hair. 

"Goodnight honey." Slowly, the pair of you fell into a deep slumber, unaware of the dark presence that watched from the doorway...

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