Chapter Twenty-Two

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I stand in front of my full-length mirror with both Joanna and Julianna standing at either side of me. I hold my phone up and snap photos of the three of us in our matching outfits. I was tickled at the girls as they both strike pose after pose.

"I created little monsters," I laugh.

There is a knock at the door and the girls jump around excitedly shouting "daddy!" I shake my head and make my way to the door with them close on my trail. When I open it I smile up at both Sean and Drew standing on the other side. Drew is dressed in white slacks and a dark blue button-down shirt. Sean is wearing tan pants and a light blue shirt. The girls push past me and into their father's arms.

"I think you guys may have stolen our daughter's affection."

"Can't help it. We're adorable," Drew said and blew a raspberry on Julianna's cheek, which made her laugh.

"And you three look adorable,"Sean laughed.

Our outfits were simple, black leggings and green pullover shirts with tan booties, but even I had to admit that we were quite adorable.

"Any chance I get to dress up with the girls' I take and I'm not even a little bit ashamed." I point at Drew and his white pants. "And you are going to regret that choice before the day is over."

They each laugh as they enter the condo carrying the girls.

"You about ready?" Drew asks.

"Yeah, just one more thing." I turn to them holding my phone up. "Get together. I want a picture of the four of you."

Drew and Sean comply and stand close together, holding their daughters' looking like the perfect little family. I feel a little tinge in my heart and shake it off as I raise my phone and take a couple photos of the four of them.

"We'll get someone to take one of all of us when we get there," Sean comments.


"A picture. Of all five of us. We'll need some of those," he says.

"Oh. Um. We should probably take one now, before Drew's pants are ruined," I say as nonchalantly as I can.

"I think mommy thinks that you are going to ruin my pants. Are you going to ruin my pants?" Julianna takes Drew's face in her hands and brings it close to her and says, "yes."

We all laugh at that and I lead them all back into my bedroom and to my mirror. We squish in close and I take a few pictures of us. In one of the photos both Sean and Drew wrap their free arm around my waist and I have to admit as I snap the photo that we look like one big happy family.


Drew has both of the girls' hands as they pull him along through the carnival. I smile at the pretty picture the three of them make. Sean drapes his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close as we walk side by side. The act is so normal, as if we've been doing this for years.

"This is nice," he says.


"This. All of us, out enjoying a little family time. It's nice."

My steps falter before I continue walking with Sean and there is no way I can hide the fact that his words affected me.

"But we're not a family," I say as a way of explaining my reaction.

"But we could be."

This time my steps don't falter. I come to a complete stop. Sean stops beside me and we turn to face each other.

"Why are you saying this?" I can feel my heart racing in my chest.

"Because it's how I feel. I'm not trying to rush you and I know that we've only been dealing with all of this for a few months, but this feels right. You, me, Drew, and our daughters. I see us as a family and I'm going to give you time to see it too." Sean leans in and places a quick kiss on my lips. He redrapes his arm around my shoulders and guides me along to keep up with Drew and the girls.

My mind was reeling with what he had just said. He was right. It did feel right but it didn't make sense to me. It didn't matter how comfortable I was with them. How much I loved our time together with the girls or when we were alone enjoying each other's bodies, Sean and Drew were a couple. It was as simple as that. They were two and inserting myself into the middle of that sounded like a recipe for disaster.


Sean stood at one of the games with a hyber Julianna trying to win her a stuffed animal. Drew and I stood a little ways back and Drew cradled a sleeping Joanna in his arms. I watch him as he looks down lovingly at her sleeping face.

"Are you trying to make me come right here?" I ask in a whisper so that only he can hear me.

Drew looks up at me with a smirk and his brows raise. "What am I doing to elicit such a reaction?"

"A man holding a baby? If I hadn't already had your kid, I would be asking you to impregnate me right now," I joke.

"Oh. Is this sexy?"

"Very sexy." I wink at him.

Drew leans down and brings his face level to mine. "Well, commit this image to memory for when we get back." His lips press to mine and it's a little more possessive than Sean's earlier kiss. Drew's kiss holds a promise.

We separate just as Sean and Julianna come over. Julianna happily holds up a stuffed animal.

"Mommy, look," she says excitedly.

"Did you win that by yourself?" I ask her.

"Yes," she says.

"And that's the story we're sticking with," Sean says. He hefts Julianna up on her hip and takes my hand. "Let's get out of here and get these girls to bed."

"Sounds like a plan," Drew says and winks at me.

I shake my head as we all walk through the park and head for the parking lot. My smile slips for a moment when I feel like someone is watching me, but I quickly shake it off.

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