Chapter Five

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Meg points me in the direction of the restrooms and I casually walk there after handing her my things. Once I'm alone in the stall I pull up my skirt and drop my panties.

Sitting in that conference room across from the two of them and pretending not to know who they were was one of the hardest things I've ever done and I pushed out twins. With no drugs. Nothing compared to trying to control myself in that room. Looking at them made me remember our night together and had my arousal seeping from my body and making a mess in my underwear.

There was nothing I could do about it now so I just grab a handful of tissues and clean myself up. I take time to wash my hands to compose myself and make my way to Meg's office. When I stepped in she was at her desk with a Cheshire grin on her face.

"Rub one out, did ya?" She wags her eyebrows at me.

"Oh my goodness Meg. No."

"Sure, sure. I was tempted to go take care of myself too because the heat in that room was thick. And it was coming off of all three of you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say, my voice taking on a breathy note. Very convincing.


"I'm going to get out of here."

I grab my things and leave quickly before Meg can tease me further.

The next week goes by in a busy flurry. I take the time I need to get to know all of my new clients. The previous lawyer had done a good job of keeping notes and I knew I had big shoes to fill.

The firm held some of the nicest people I had ever met. Everyone understood that I was a single mom with twins and they went out of their way to make sure that I had the time I needed to spend with my girls.

Once upon a time I thought I would be a big time criminal lawyer, helping people get a fair trial. Life had other plans though and criminal law was just way too busy for me. There is something comforting in knowing that I deal with contracts and then go home to be with my babies.

It's Friday and I have to get a contract filed for one of my clients and then I'm picking the twins up and heading home.

My back is to the door as I look over the final touches on the contract. There is a soft knock on my door even though it's open.

"Makia, I need you to take these down to the courthouse and -" my voice trails off as I spin in my chair and look up to find Drew Singer standing in my office. He's holding a bag and from the smell I can tell that it's chicken wings. Barbeque chicken wings. I love barbeque chicken. "Mr. Singer, what are you doing here?" I ask and stand up. I smooth my hands down the front of my pencil skirt getting out any wrinkles that may have occurred while I was sitting.

He holds up the bag. "Call me Drew. Meg, said you tend to get so caught up and forget to eat." Once upon a time. But now I eat when the girls eat. "She also told me to tell you that she would have come to check on you herself but she had to leave town."

"Sure she did," I say under my breath. "She also told you that I love barbeque chicken."

"That may have come up."

That damn meddling best friend of mine.

"I appreciate the thought, but I've been taking better care of myself since college. I'll be sure to remind Meg."

Just then my paralegal Makia pokes her head into the office.

"Makia, I need you to take these contracts down to the courthouse." I pick up the folder and walk over to hand them to her.

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