Chapter Eighteen

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"What is going on out here?" I ask as I walk out of my room.

I tried not to bring my work home with me but I had offered to help out while another associate took a much-needed vacation. It was either bring the work home or stay late at work. I didn't want the girls to be stuck at the office so I brought the work home. I had been in my room when the girls' loud squeals and chatter brought me out.

Now I stood standing in my living room staring at Drew and Sean playing with the girls.

"What's going on?" I was sure my confusion and shock was written all over my face. "How did you guys get in here?"

We certainly weren't at a place in our relationship where I felt comfortable with them having a key. Hell, we didn't even have a relationship. We had one date. Each.

"I did," Julianna said happily.

"What? Julianna, we've talked about this. You do not open the door without mommy's permission."

"This is a common thing?" Drew asked as he got up from the floor.

"She did a time or two back in NY. I didn't have visits often so it didn't happen a lot," I explain. "I used to keep heavy things on the chairs so she couldn't push them to the door to open it. Guess I've got to go back to that."

Juliana as always didn't even look fazed by the fact that she had done something she wasn't supposed to. Joanna however walked over to me and tugged my hand to get my attention.

"What baby?"

"I told her not to do it," she said proudly.

"Thank you." I turned back to the guys. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you forget that we had a play date scheduled?"

"I forgot," I say as my hand comes up to slap my forehead.

"Mommy, don't hit yourself," Joanna said.

"I'm okay." I look at the four of them and see how excited the girls are that Drew and Sean are here. I thought I would feel a little awkward around them considering I had slept with Drew and not Sean, but I didn't. Things felt... right. "Okay, let's play."

It was during our playtime that our decision to hold off telling the girls the truth was taken out of our hands.

Sean and Drew were seated by each other helping the girls dress up the dolls. I had abandoned my work to join in on the fun and I had been put on crayons and was trying to make my artistic side emerge with the coloring book in my possession. Julianna stood in front of Sean and Drew and placed a hand on each of their cheeks and asked, "are you our daddies?" Just like that. Blunt and to the point.

Drew and Sean looked at me with panic in their eyes

And I'm sure that what they were feeling was reflected back in my eyes. I didn't know what to do anymore than they did. We had agreed to play it by ear but having our four year old ask them straight out, was not on the agenda.

Drew opened his mouth several times but no words came out. Sean looked like he had been struck frozen. It looked like I was going to have to step in.

"Hi-Ju," she turned to look at me. "Would it be okay if Sean and Drew were your daddies?"

Julianna looked at her sister as if asking for permission before she turned back to me.

"Yeah, we like them."

"Okay. Well, yes. Sean and Drew are your daddies."

Julianna threw her arms around Sean's neck and Joanna got up and wrapped her arms around Drew's neck. My heart melted as I watched the four of them. Once upon a time I had dreaded the moment the girls asked about their fathers but as I watched them together I couldn't help but admit that it made me happy that they were all together. Drew and Sean were good parents. They loved their daughters.

Thinking of Sean and Drew as parents made my heart drop. They were a couple, whether they wanted to admit it or not. They would do a great job raising the girls together. Where did that leave me?

I got up from the floor not wanting to interrupt their moment but feeling like I was intruding. I made my way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I downed the water and felt a body press up against mine.

"Are you okay?" Sean asked and placed his hands on my hips.


"Don't lie to me." Sean turned me so that I was forced to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing just overthinking." He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to continue. "I'm fine. It's my own thing. Nothing for you to worry about."

He didn't look like he was buying my story but thankfully he dropped it and moved on.

"So, the fair is coming in a few weeks and -"

"Oh you guys should definitely take the girls to that. They'll love it."

"And you," he continued.


"We want to take you too. It'll give us a chance to hang out. All five of us."

I understood what he was saying. It was a chance for us to hang out as a family. Something that I know Sean has wanted from the moment he found out he was a father. I still had my reservations on how this whole thing was supposed to work but I found myself saying...

"Yeah. That sounds like fun."

Whether this was going to really be fun or turn out to be a disaster, I wanted to know. Sean and Drew were each interested in me, that was made clear. And they were a couple. I wasn't sure how the dynamic would work, but I was willing to find out.

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