Chapter Seven

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Wow. Two chapters in one day? Thanks for the likes.

Another 5 and maybe we might get three chapters up.



When I got back to the apartment from the gym I found Drew sitting at the kitchen table. I walked over to the fridge and removed a bottle of water and turned to look at him.

"Something happen?" I asked, before taking a drink.

He doesn't respond and I walk over to figure out what is wrong with him. There is a big purple book on the table in front of him and he is staring at it pensively.

"What's this?"

Drew slides the book over to me and I can see a photo on the cover, that I recognize as an ultrasound. Drew doesn't say anything. He just opens the book to the first photo. It's a picture of Jade. She's wearing a mid baring shirt showing off her flat and toned stomach. In front of her stomach she is holding up the same photo of the ultrasound.

Drew doesn't give me a chance to process. He turns the page and there is another photo of jade. This one is taken from the side. Her stomach is flat but she has her hand pressed affectionately to it. Page after page is a photo of Jade. They are all side shots and as Drew turns the page I watch as her stomach grows and the baby bump becomes a full blown pregnancy belly.

"This one is my favorite," Drew finally says as he turns the page.

It's a photo of Jade but this one is not like the others. She has clearly just given birth in the photo and she is holding two small babies as she smiles up for the photo. Looking at it I get why it's Drew's favorite. This is a woman who has just brought life into this world. This is... the mother of our kids and she looks beautiful.

The photos don't stop there. Page after page is filled with photos of the small girls. Photos of them sleeping, their first bath, birthday's, first steps, on swings, and every moment in between.

Drew closed the book and didn't say anything else.

"This is why you asked about the condoms?"


"Take me to her," I say and stand upright.



"I'll take you to her, but not today. Tomorrow."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I think dealing with one baby daddy is enough for one day. I'll take you tomorrow."

I should just take his phone and get her address. I know Meg gave it to him. Better yet, I should call Meg and ask her to give me the address. I'm sure I can persuade her to give it to me. But Drew is right. I should go over there level headed and I'm too mad to be level headed. I'm mad at Jade for not saying anything. I'm mad that she had to raise two small girls on her own when Drew and I are in a position to help. Most of all I'm mad at Drew and I for being careless and not using protection. She wouldn't have ended up in this position if we had been thinking with our brains.

"Tomorrow." I grab the book and head to the bedroom.


Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough. I woke up, got ready and told Drew to take me to see Jade and our kids. He took his time. He didn't get dressed right away. He wanted to go to the gym. Then he had to have breakfast. There was a matter at the casino that needed to be handled and since Meg was out of town, we had to take care of it.

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