Chapter 5: One Year & Two Months In

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"It comes and goes in waves
Am only led to wonder why
It comes in goes in waves
Am only led to wonder why
Why I try"

"It comes and goes in wavesI,Am only led to wonder whyIt comes in goes in wavesI,Am only led to wonder whyWhy I try"

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"Clara!" Minho shouted desperately as him and Nick came in, holding a spazzing George.

"What happened?" She questioned as she dropped what she was doing and rushed over to them.

"I don't know. We heard a griever and then we heard George scream." Minho looked at her, fear evident in his eyes.

"Lay him down." She instructed as she pushed items off of the bed. George continued to twist and turn in the grip of Minho and Nick. He let out a frustrated scream.

"Come on Georgie. You'll be alright." Nick said to his friend worriedly as him and Minho pushed him down on the bed.

"What happened?" Alby barged into the room, Newt and Gally right on his tail.

"We have no idea." Minho told Alby as him and Nick let go, George withering on the bed.

Clara started to look for an injury, she grabbed the end of his shirt and lifted it up. "He's been stung." She told them as she looked at the strange marking on his skin.

"What do we do? No ones been stung by a Griever before?" Newt questioned, looking from Alby to Clara.

Before anyone had time to react, George's eyes snapped open, his pupils abnormal as he sat up. He quickly grabbed the closest person to him, which was Clara. He launched his hand around her throat, putting a great amount of pressure on it.

"George!" Alby shouted, the other gladers in the room surprised at this action.

"Minho help me." Gally told the glader as he was trying to pry George's hand off of his best friends throat.

"George! Stop!" Minho pleaded as he tried to get ahold of him.

Clara gasped as she tried to get air in her lungs and after a few more seconds she was free from his grip. She stumbled forward, Gally holding her arms slightly so she wouldn't fall.

"Clara, you alright? Clara?" Gally looked down at her worriedly as she coughed. Clara just nodded while the others were trying to  restrain George. That was until he passed out and all sigh of struggle was gone.

"What now?" Minho looked at a passed out George.

"We keep him hidden in the Homestead until we figure out a solution for this. No one tell another glader what happened in here. This stays with the six of us."Alby told them, looking at each of the gladers.

"Some gladers have had to heard that. What do we tell them?" Gally questioned, finally letting go of Clara who was holding her slowly forming bruised neck.

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