Wedding Blues

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Disclaimer: Some scenes from this fic may be directly lifted off of the series F.R.I.E.N.D.S. because this truly was inspired by an episode I've watched recently. I love Chandler and Monica so much.

As soon as the pandemic was over, our friends, Tanner and Maria wasted no time in preparation for their nuptials, and here we are, family and close friends to their beautiful beach wedding in Brazil. Times like this make me think of how God really does play favorites, I mean I'm around the same age as this couple yet there they are, in front of each other reciting their vows, with a promise of forever, that even the glistening rays of the sun and cool breeze, coupled with the distinct scent of the ocean agrees with them and here I am, in my late 20s whose last relationship ended years ago, watching them in green lenses, suffice to say, envious as hell, but despite that, tears of joy fell in rapid succession from my eyes, the wedding is perfect.

"come on, May, cheer up, of course someone will want to marry you" Donny reassured me, minutes ago, I told him how much more lonely this wedding is making me feel, it has been more than an hour since the ceremony concluded and we're now at the reception.

"of course you'll say that, we're friends" I nagged him and settled to the nearest chair I found, he followed suit and sat beside me.

"No, I'm not, look you're the most beautiful single woman in this room tonight" Donny kissed my forehead, a habit he developed in pursuit of comforting me since eons ago. I comfortably leaned my head against his shoulder, with him wrapping his arm around my shoulders

"really?" seeking reassurance, after being cheated on and not having someone genuinely interested in me after, tarnished the little confidence I had from the beginning.

"Yes, actually, you're easily the most beautiful woman in any room"

"now, you're just bullshitting me" I stood up and made my way to the buffet to grab myself a drink, he followed suit. Not long after that, my mom approached us, before she could talk, I downed the remaining liquid in my glass, I need to be hammered as much as I could for whatever she has to say.

"the wedding was so beautiful, anak, when kaya ang iyo?" she pondered thoughtfully. See, I just knew it.

"but it's okay too if you won't ever get married, I have many apo naman with your Kuya na" she then affectionately caressed my cheek, I knew my mother meant well but I couldn't help but think that she was being condescending, in that instant all my insecurities flooded, is it my fault that men are trash? They can't seem to remain loyal? so I inconspicuously pinched Donny, he understood the message and excused us from my own mother to go dance, she agreed and left to go back to her friends.

"don't mind your mom" Donny continued swaying us to the music, I sighed and leaned my head against his chest.

"say, Donny, is there something unmarry'able about me? is it my body? the way I talk? the way I dress up? Am I that ugly?" he tried to gently peel me off of him to stare at my face but I didn't budge, I'm being vulnerable in front of him but I never actually want him to see me, I continued burying my face against his chest, luckily his tux is black, my makeup wouldn't stain it.

He must've realized that I wouldn't let him see my face anytime soon because he tightened his hold on me instead.

"nothing is wrong with you, you're perfect" this time I looked up at him, the way he said those words made me feel different about him, and for the first time I want to see him in a different light. I urged him to let go of me as I stared directly into his eyes, I could tell that he was confused by my actions, but my soft gaze willed him to trust me.

"do you want to try something new?" I asked but didn't wait for his reply before I stood on my tiptoes and claimed his lips, it took him a second to recover from his initial surprise before he proceeded to dominate my mouth. Soft and slow, gauging, taking each other's breath.

"that, I have never done with you before" Donny uttered as soon as we let go, still catching his breath that made us both chuckle. Perhaps God does not really play favorites, he just has a very slow timing, to think I know Donny all my life yet this was the first time I've felt his lips on mine, truly slow indeed.


I'm super hyped sa MayDon because of their SNL spiel lol

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