Fortuitous Event

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The clock struck thirty minutes before 11pm when Maymay reached her car, parked not far away from her university.

"NO! NO! NO! Nooooooooo!" she wailed as she saw the lights are on from the inside, she cursed herself for rushing earlier when she was already late to class. Opening her car, she tried turning the engine on to no avail.

"Maymay, calm down just call your brother to pick you up. Okay? Go!" she told herself, as she rummaged her bag to find her phone. Finally holding it in her hand, she pressed the power button only for it to buzz, screen darker than the night.

"NO! NO! NO! Nooooooooo!" She groaned, hitting her head lightly on the steering wheel.

"Maymay, you're tired and hungry but don't lose your wits here. Think, think, what else can you do?" she rummaged her bag further until she got a hold of her wallet.

"Aha! I'll just commute! Jeep-jeep like that!" she opened her wallet to find a lonesome 1 peso coin and a few receipts from restaurants and fas food chains.

"That's it WAAAAAAAAAAAH!" she cried, finding no means to go home when it's so deep into the night and no residence or store was open. She fidgeted on her seat, paranoid thoughts running through her head, glancing at the dim-litted street, deserted of people. Suddenly, she hears a tap on her window. Her heart thumped painfully against her chest as she stiffly turned her head in the direction of the sound, she stared unabashed at the man leaning on her car gesturing for her to open her window so she'd hear him.

"Wait, he's so handsome! Get a grip May, what if he's a serial killer?!" She thought as her eyes widen in horror, another rap on her window broke her reverie. Apprehensively, she rolled her windows down.

"Can you get off the car?" He said, getting off of the car, she noticed that the man was about half a foot taller than her, fit but not bulky.

"he's so good looking, what more in the glistening rays of the morning sun? but what if he really is a serial killer?! Isn't that American Serial Killer, Ted Bundy also handsome?" Maymay's thoughts raced, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat. Hastily, she kneeled in front of him and started begging for mercy.

"Please don't kill me! I still have dreams just please, I'll give you anything you want but I don't have cash, but I do have gift checks, please don't kill me" She continued begging, tugging on the pants of her supposed "perpetrator". A few seconds after her stint, she heard the man snort, until it erupted in to a full swing boisterous laughter, hitting the hood of the car and clutching his stomach.

"That was comedy gold, Miss but just out of curiosity, what part of my face gave you the impression that I was going to kill you?" The man smirked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're not a killer?" She stood up like nothing happened and leaned on her car, the man stood in front of her and stared, amused.

"No, I haven't killed anyone except maybe ants, and I think a few cockroaches, but in my defense they always catch me off guard" he replied.

"I'm sorry..." Maymay trailed, trying to catch his name "You can call me Donny" he supplied, she nodded and continued.

"I'm sorry, Donny, I was just thinking of serial killers when you rapped on my window but have you ever heard of Ted Bundy?! He's a serial killer and he's referred to as the Handsome Devil" Donny smirked widened, leaning his head forward, closing the gap between them.

"So you think I'm handsome?" He playfully stared at her, raising his eyebrows up and down, perilously.

"Don't you think you're handsome? Seeing as you're confidently hitting on me, I think you do think you're handsome" Maymay countered, staring right back at him. He leaned away from her, impressed with her unassailability, he bobbed his head approvingly.

"Fair enough"

They stood, staring and bashfully smiling at one another, the car drained of battery, forgotten in the background of their moment, until someone halted his car in front of them.

"Bro, is she the owner of the car?" Phil, Donny's friend shouted from inside his pick-up truck. Coughing and holding his nape consciously, Donny nodded his head. Phil went out of the car and stood beside Donny.

"Hi I'm Phil!", I'm assuming you already know Donny since he's already flirting with you--that hurts!" Donny punched him, making Maymay laugh.

"Anyway, we've been here long enough to know you're definitely out of battery so you can charge from my car" Phil continued smiling until his eyes were nowhere in sight.

Maymay released a sigh of relief as she grabbed Phil's hands and shook it vigorously while thanking him for his kindness.

"Thank you so much" Maymay's eyes misted from gratitude, thankful that there are kind strangers she chanced upon tonight. She opened the hood of her car and connected the jumper cables Phil gave her into her car's batteries' terminals, once done she turned to the alternator and brought it to a full charge and her car's engine finally ignited.

"Thank you so much to the both of you, I wish I could repay you now but I have no money left" she pouted.

"It's fine, just get home safely" Donny said, tapping the roof of her car, motioning her to move, and she did. Finally waving her last goodbye, Maymay waved her hand through the open window of her car, until she was out of sight. 

 "Dude, she's hot!" Phil broke the silence once they were inside the car.

"shit!" Donny suddenly cursed hitting the dashboard.

"What the hell, man? I just bought this car" Phil complained hitting him back in the arm.\

"I forgot to ask her phone number and her name!" Donny groaned, ruffling his hair in frustration.

"What?! You were eye-fucking her earlier but you didn't ask for her name? Did you give her your name though?" 

"I just told her to call me Donny" Phil shook his head, sad for his friend's almost love-life.

"Damn man, she could be it you know and you just let her leave, slow poke!"

"I don't know, man but I think I'll see her again soon" Donny looked out his side of the window as Phil started the engine of his car.



by the way this entire fic is from our lecturer's experience, I just tweaked it a bit to serve its MayDon purpose. As the famous tweet of Donny to his fans "Love you oil!"

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