Chapter 2

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"Jennie Kim, please talk to me. I don't know what's happening to you. I'm starting to get worried." Jisoo unnie said. She's outside my room.

It's been three days since that incident happened. I'm not going out of my room and I don't have plans too. I'm not eating with unnie. I'm not talking to anyone. I still can't accept the fact that he cheated on me. I want to get over it. But why is it so hard for me to move on?

Three days lying on my bed. Three days of crying. Three days of regrets. I should've listen to Irene. I should've bring my phone with me. I should've move on already.

"Jen, fix yourself. You already missed some of your quizzes and examinations. Haven't you seen yourself? Get up and move on. If you continue doing those things. You will not able to finish this year of college." It's my mother. I heard that unnie is the one who told her about me. Not even a single word of her sink into my mind.

I started crying again and again. Unnie should be in school now, but because of me she's not there. It's funny how other's mocking the situation of some girls like me. Without knowing that it's so hard as hell to move on. They think it's just a tiny problem.

I love Kai and I always do. He said that he loves me too. Or maybe he's just lying, he probably lied.

I decided to open my phone for a minute. And I saw a bunch of messages and missed calls from Kai. As if he really cares about me.

Irene is right. He's a total jerk that's so full of himself. Jisoo unnie is right too. He's no good for me and will never be.

I can't remove in my mind the fact that our relationship lasts for almost 2 years. And it just evanesced in just a blink.

I can't let my self to be like this forever. But the thing is, I don't know how to move on. I want to move forward and follow my dreams. I want to live without a single problem. I want to travel around the world with my money.

I cried again as I remember our memories together. There's one more thing that bothers. Why does Irene told me that? Does she know everything?

I'm starting to feel a familiar feeling. I'm so tired, again. I just want to rest all day. I want to feel relaxed. My eyes are starting to get heavy...

I suddenly woke up. Obviously, it's morning again. I check my phone and I saw a message from... Kai. I opened it quickly and read it.

Hey, Jen. Can I have a call with you? I just want to say something.

When I'm going to closed my phone, a call from someone suddenly popped up. A call from Kai. I tried not to answer it. But I want to hear what he wants to tell me.

[Hello Jen? It's Kai sorry if I wake you up.]

I didn't give him a response. There's no point if I'll say something.

[I know you're listening. I just want to say that... I-I don't love you anymore. Let's end this.]

I ended the call. I don't know why I didn't cry after what he told me. Maybe because I already knew it was coming. I shouldn't waste my tears. I regret all the things I had done because of that freaking jerk.

My door opens and Jisoo unnie pops in my room without a single knock. What's the point of her knock if I would not let her in.

"Jennie! Thank god you're okay." Unnie hugged me as tight as she can. I just looked at her with a blank expression. I want to smile at her, but I can't.

"I have to tell you something, it's really important."

I wonder what is it. Unnie will not break my door lock just because she wants to tell me nonsense.

"Y-Your grades are too low that the school can't p-pass you on the next semester. The school dropped you out. Even if mom and dad will kneel to the school's head. T-They will still not let you. Please fix your self. That incident happened a month ago. Don't you want to move on?" Unnie worriedly said.

I'm starting to feel weak. I can't say a single word. I didn't even notice that a month has passed already. School is really i-important for me. I'm an honor student. W-Why did I let this happen?

I rapidly run out of my room. I heard unnie calling me but I ignored it. I want peace.

I'm running away from our house. I just let my foot to bring me somewhere. I've run for 15 minutes straight.

My vision's starting to get blurry. I didn't notice that I bumped on a big and large tree that cause me to fall on the ground. I tried to stand up but I lost my consciousness and fell out of nowhere. But before I lost my consciousness, I saw a girl...

I woke up and my head really hurts! Wait. Where am I? I'm in a hut surrounded by trees. I almost forgot about the girl that I saw before I fell out. If she's the one who brings me here, where is she?

As I touch my temple, I felt a liquid thing dripping on it.

"H-Hey! You're bleeding!" Someone stated.

Obviously. Wait. Is she the girl that I was talking about?

"Tell me where can I locate the nearest hospital!" I almost shout.

"W-We don't have hospitals here. It will take you seven hours and three different vehicles just to reach your wanted d-destination."

"WHAT?! Where am I? What kind of freak is this place?"

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