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Silver. The percentage of silver werewolves is zero percent, there are none. Except me. Everyone says I'm special, everyone says I should be proud, show myself to the world, let people experience something new and unique. But what about me, no-one ever thinks about me because if I wasn't silver, I'd only be an omega, begging from scraps as I tried to seduce a dominant. Some days, I feel like being silver is a curse, hiding from giant dominants, alphas, betas whatever trying to claim me as their mate, only to be rejected by them anyway. Others, it feels like a gift, meeting people who crave to see me in close proximity, hoping that I'll shift in front of them, allowing them to be the first to see my human form. No. Nobody is allowed to see that form, it's private, it's mine.

Many days I would just mope around keeping to myself away from others, but today was different. I had a meeting with my packs alpha, the scariest dominant I know. In a traditional pack, being different is a problem, a dilemma, an anomaly, something they don't understand. To be different is bad, especially when you have know loved ones to defend you or even just prove your part of the pack. All I've ever wanted is to fit in somewhere, I just have to find that place. If it exists.

As I made my way through the twisting dark, gloomy and depressing tunnels towards the alphas cave, I began to fiddle with my fur. My tail cowardly curled around my leg as my ears splayed self-consciously to the sides. It was time, now or never. My fate was to be decided within in the next five minutes. If all went well I would be able to pay my debt to the pack. If all went wrong then I would have yet another rejection to add to my ever growing list. I just stood there not willing to enter as my brain filled with many unpleasant thoughts, draining all of what little confidence I had.

Eventually I built up the courage and took the daunting steps right into the lions den. As I looked around, I noticed that, other than the two people I knew would be here, there was also a few others bringing the total count to seven including me. I assumed that along with my alpha and the Dom who wanted to view me, that the other men were high ranking dominants and also another alpha. I had never been in this close proximity with this many dominants before and my breathe quickened, becoming short pants as I looked around the room in panic. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there awkwardly trying not to break down.

My head was hung low as my alpha beckoned me other to him but I was frozen still, not able to move as I was to scared. He obviously didn't like this because he marched towards me, grabbing the scruff of my neck, hoisting me of the ground as he dug his claws in releasing a round of his vicious toxins into my blood stream. As I writhed in pain, letting out pathetic sounds, he spat insults at me, humiliating me in front of the other dominants who all but one were either laughing or smiling at the scene playing out In front of them. As the pain began to ease and the insults stopped, we began the meeting.

At first it was just my alpha trying to appeal to their egos but then it was time for my questions. To begin with, they weren't so bad. "What's your name boy?" Asked the other alpha In the room. "Quinn S-sir," I stuttered with my eyes looking anywhere but at the dominants. "Not very manly is it. It sounds like a little bitches name. What about your age, how old are you?" I was already shaking in fear as I told him that I was seventeen. Again he didn't look impressed. After more question like that, came the harder ones. "Can you shift?" It wasn't the other alpha this time, it was the dominant who hadn't made a single sound the whole time who asked me this. It was a mistake to look at him because when our eyes locked, I did the unthinkable. I pissed myself, out of fear. As what I did dawned on me, my cheeks flushed red. I wasn't able to look at anyone I was so embarrassed and scared, that instead I did the only thing I could think of. I ran away.

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