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He looked up at me with those big blue eyes making my heart flutter as I nodded letting him play in my nephews play room. I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head exposing his perfect shoulder blades, his back scattered with scars from his past and then he pulled down his trousers until he was stood there only in his under wear. He turned around to face me but I wasn't quick enough to avert my gaze as he caught me lapping up the sight of his perfectly sculpted abs. Although I also had abs and was more muscular than him and a lot taller, I couldn't help but feel jealous as my eyes raked over his perfect skin, imagining just what I could do to him. His cheeks went red as he croaked in embarrassment, "I-I'm just g-gonna shift, o-okay?" Once again I just nodded, still flustered from being caught checking him out.

He frantically ran around jumping up and down enjoying himself like a little pup as I stood there watching. I couldn't keep my smile from growing bigger as I saw him belly flop into the pile of fake leaves that he'd made. As he got up and brushed bits of leaf from his pristine silver fur, he looked at me and beckoned me to him. It was like a force was bringing me towards him as I we met in the middle of the room. The first thing he did when I was by his side was hug me, a big grin covering his face as his tail ecstatically wagged behind him. "Will you p-play with me?" He asked a hopeful look in his eyes. Instead of responding, I picked him up and began spinning in circles. His joyful laugh filled the room as I chucked him onto the soft foam floor. In return for my antics, Quinn ran over to the paddling pool and before I had a chance to react, he splashed me with water. Since my clothes were all wet, I decided to join him in wolf form then, I charged at him tackling him to the ground, rolling on the floor together as I followed suit and also began laughing.

Whilst we were on the floor rolling around, the door clicked open and in walked my father. Neither of us noticed him at first and just carried on having fun until, he loudly cleared his throat in frustration. As we both looked at him, I could feel the anger radiating of his towering body, I helped Quinn of the floor so that we were know both stood before my father. Quinn was huddled behind me, fists filled with my fur, ears laid back flat against his head, tail wrapped around his leg. He was letting out little small whimpers as I took a protective stance in front of him, cautious of what my father was going to do to. "Have you spoken to the boy about last night?" My father inquired, glaring daggers at Quinn who was now visibly shaking. "Not yet but I don't think I'm going to anyway." His eyes had all of a sudden got darker as if he was about to boil over in rage. Luckily he kept his cool a little longer, "Why? He needs to be punished, sooner rather than later." I took a deep breath, trying to take a hold on my temper for Quinn's sake not his. "No."

One word was all it took to make the volcanoes erupt. A collision of screams and insults were sent Quinn's way as he cowered in fear behind me, paws covering his ears as a lone tear escaped his hold, rolling down his check, grazing his quivering lips. I didn't want to have to act against my father so I just stood there shielding Quinn. That was until he did the unthinkable. He lunged at Quinn, claws outstretched ready to slash him. I tried to stop him but he was to strong for me and just shoved me to the floor which a loud thud. Curse his rank. As quick as a flash, my mate was lying on the floor writhing in pain screaming at the top of his lungs, right where we were just laughing together. My body was filled with rage as my protective dominant instincts took over. I put my full force into shoving him off of Quinn and then I began attacking him, claws cutting through his flesh as my teeth sunk into his shoulder. He howled in pain as I ripped at the flesh, not quite managing to pull it away.

Then, I was being gripped around the waist and being lifted into the air away from my fuming father. As I thrashed against my captor, I growled in warning to them as I swung my head round to bite them on the arm. "Enough!" Screamed my uncle Titus as he injected his toxins into me. I whimpered in pain like a little pup as I stopped thrashing around. With a satisfied huff, he let me go and placed me gently back on the floor. "Why on earth were you attacking your father, squirt?" My uncle enquired, using my childhood nickname as a weapon of guilt,as I licked my wounds healing them. By now, Quinn had made his way over to me and was sat on my lap so once I'd healed my wounds I began to heal his, coating them with my healing enzyme from my tongue. He gave a grateful sniff as I answered my uncles question, "Because uncle T, he attacked my mate!" I yelled yet hissed at my father who was now sat up against the wall, head hung low. "Is that so Darius?" My father looked up at his younger brother in shame as he admitted his foul mistake with a mere nod. "I see."

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