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Shooting up to a sitting position, I couldn't breathe. Sweat was dripping down my forehead as I tried to steady my heartbeat. Looking over to my side, I saw Blake slowly drawing breath as he slept, one arm draped over my waist,the other under his head. As I laid back down he made a strange noise. At first, I thought I'd woken him but then realised he was just dreaming and decided to try and go back to sleep. I tried many times to no avail so instead I slipped out of bed and into the clothes I was given the previous day, at least I think it was now yesterday but maybe it was still today. Quietly leaving the room, I decided I would explore.

It was to hot in the house so I made my way into the garden. I thought about going to see the caves but I didn't want to wake anyone up, so instead I just started walking. I just walked for a while, deep in thought as I went. I saw buildings and fields full of crops along the way, even a few with animals in them. The further I went the quieter it got. I liked the quiet. Its peaceful and soothing especially when you're as shy as I am. Loud noises just seemed to scare me since I had never really been around enough people for it to be loud before.

After a bit more walking, I came to a tall thick towering wall, bringing me to a halt. I didn't really want to turn back yet as that meant going back to sleep and if Blake was awake I would get in trouble. I did t want that. So instead I studied the wall until I found a way to climb it. It didn't take me long as I was used to climbing to hide from people when I was younger. Dropping down the other side, I realised that the light source that I had was now gone. I could hear the distant howls of what I thought must of been other wolves. My heart began beating faster as the noise got louder and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. When I went to climb back over the wall, I couldn't find it. I was sure I hadn't even moved but i just could not find it. That's when I heard a voice. "This way little shiny one, come this way," it whispered sending a shiver down my spine. Not knowing what to do, I followed. Then a light came on as if I were in the theatre that my parents used to tell me about in stories and it replayed everything.

Everything being my life, my whole life. From the days of endless torment and suffering to the days when I finally got a good meal. I didn't want to see this, I was frantically looking everywhere but where ever I looked it was there, Playing in an endless loop. I had no control over my body as I started to run, I wanted to go home, I wanted Blake, no, I needed Blake.

Then I tripped, blood trickling down the side of my face, then it all stopped and the voice was back. "Very good Quinn, now try again." This time it sounded like my mother. But it couldn't be, she was dead, I watched her kill herself. I saw the blood, I saw the knife, I saw everything, she couldn't be here. Could she? "Mummy," I called out desperately as the tears flowed freely down my cheeks. "I-is that really you mummy?" I waited anxiously yet hopefully for a reply, then I got one. " Quinn do not hit your father, apologise now!" It was her but what was she talking about, I didn't hit my father, I don't even know my father, was he here too. "D-daddy are you here too?" My face was soaked in tears now as I listened intensely for the answer that I so desperately needed to get.

"Quinn, don't worry I'm coming Quinn just hold on!" I heard what was said and the voice sounded strangely familiar but I didn't think it was my fathers. "Daddy?"

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