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I woke in the middle of the night, feeling as if something was wrong but I couldn't figure out what it was. After a while, it dawned on me. Quinn. He was gone. All possible 'what ifs' raced through my mind as I went from door to door waking up my family. One by one, they stumbled out in their night wear, many like me with only underwear and a jacket. They all looked at me as if I was crazy but the only one awake enough to ask what was going on was my sister Katie. "B, what's going on, why do you look so scared?" My brothers just stood there rubbing sleep out of their eyes while my dad leant against the wall beside the picture of my mother. "He's gone, he's gone." Katie's eyes widened in realisation and she began herding the rest of my family off to go look from him. Before going, one of my brothers, Kyle, asked, "What do you mean he's gone, he's an omega, where would he go?" I growled making him sheepishly look down in an act of apology. "How am I supposed to know, he's just gone, poof, vanished. Now go help find him." I yelled as my older brother scurried off.

Many people had now joined the search including: the security guards that we pay to stop things like this from happening; members of the pack that value the safety of our other members; the high ranking dominants that came out to look whilst their partners and pups sleep and among them my friends. Some were looking in the house, others looking in the garden, more with me looking around the caves and other buildings and a few were looking beyond the perimeter wall. I just hoped he hadn't got that far.

As I walked into the main cave, I unintentionally woke up some of the omegas. They were either cowering in fear or stupidly growling as I looked everywhere for him. Spotting a figure coming towards me, I turned and met them full on. It was an omega just a bit bigger than all the others with a white frame but red ears and tail. Because I was in human form and he was in wolf, he partly shifted so that he could shake my hand in greeting. "What brings you hear, sir?" There was an aura of confidence around him which was unusual even for an omega with red markings. "I'm looking for my mate, he's gone missing. I thought he may of come here, his names Quinn, he's silver." The omegas eyes shined with awe as he realised what I said. "Your mated to THE silver omega!" He squealed with glee. "Well not yet but when he's ready we will be, he only arrived hear yesterday and he's  a traditional. Have you seen him?" His shoulders slumped and ears flopped back as he finally lost his aura of confidence, shaking his head to say no. It was my turn for my shoulders to slump.

We'd all been searching for what felt like hours but was only actually one when a middle rank came up to me and said I had been summoned by my father and was to meet him outside the mansion. When I got there he was sat on the steps, head hung low deep in thought. Once he saw the light from my torch, he stood up and beckoned me closer to him. He took a fatherly like stance and rapped his arms around my shoulders. "He's nowhere to be found within the perimeter, he's over the wall." My heart sunk as I took in the words that I'd just been told. How did this happen? Was all I could think. He hadn't even been here for twelve hours yet and I'd already lost him. If I'd already lost control over him, how am I going to be a good mate to him?

I sat down on the steps, needing time to think. But I didn't have time, I had to find him, I had to find him now. He's been gone as far as I know for sixty three minutes maybe more which meant I didn't have much time left. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I shot up much to my fathers annoyance and began searching for Quinn once again. I only just got him, I was most certainly not going to lose him.

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